What's with the huge Hanzo Hitbox?!?!

I’m sorry but I don’t believe that Hanzo’s arrows are the smallest projectiles In the game. Even weirder they don’t even hit your head and he still manages to make a headshot. There are Hanzo’s like this in EVERY comp game and they think that they’re a god…
We get it you’re ‘‘Good’’ but that’s no reason to act like you’re a special snowflake.

I found a video that proves that his broken arrows but I can’t post links here… :frowning:
Here is the title of the video and see for yourself of how Hanzo is getting such easy kills.

‘‘Overwatch - Why i f*cking despise Hanzo’’

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I think it’s more bullet magnetism. Halo 5 (still has) a problem where shots would realign at the last second to hit a critical point. Hanzo’s arrows do this even though the projectile is small, you can even see the projectile snap onto someone before damaging them.


Ana’s LMB is the smallest projile when shooting to enemies, IIRC
Little to no difference between a legit hitscan?

Favor the shooter plays a part in why people think his arrows are bs I’m sure

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I believe Mercy’s/Baby D.va bullets are the smallest projectile?

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Mercy’s and D.Va are some of the largest projectiles actually.


I’m pretty sure that’s Pharah.

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i swear hanzos arrows are the size of a truck
i played him yesterday and got alot of headshots out of pure spam,
hanzo takes as little skill as junkrat.

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https://us.battle.net/forums/en/overwatch/topic/20753726983 Here is a link to a comparison from the old forums. It may not all be up to date but it gives you an idea of sizes.

Player hit boxes are bigger when facing projectiles, and since Hanzo is essentially a hitscan now with his ludicrous projectile speeds he benefits from both, with essentially no drawbacks.

It has more to do with the size of player hitboxes than the arrows. It’s already been said they are tied for the smallest projectile in the game, among Genji’s shurikens.