What's with all this standing around?

No real reason, other than it goes against their entire design philosophy, which they aren’t going to change over an issue that they already solved. They aren’t going to devote any dev hours to making these changes as it serves very little purpose, and almost no players are unhappy with how it currently is. Why pull people off other work for this of all things?

Did you read Jeff’s quote? Because I don’t think you have a good understanding of their development philosophy… They will make radical changes… And have done in the past… For the betterment of the game… This reminds me of open queue… People had exactly the same sort of arguments as you… Saying that nobody wants it… But at the end of the day blizzard finally agreed with us that we needed it…for a high octane, fast paced shooter game like overwatch it is highly uncharacteristic and offputting to have to sit and stand around doing nothing for minutes between rounds…this would not require significant development time…


I was refering to the fact that they want to keep QP as close as possibe to competitive aside from the number of rounds. They would not make a change like this in one mode only.

Lots of people wanted open queue back. There were threads about it all the time. If people were demanding for shorter set ups in the same way I’m sure they’d address it, but as it is, it’s just you and this thread and a few shruged agrees from people that don’t seem to care that much.

Well they could have it in quickplay as well using the means that I described…

Before they reintroduced open q, hardly anyone in this community was asking for it… It was just me and a couple of other people… We were the only ones with the sense to see that it was needed… And we were laughed at for daring to suggest that it should be implemented… So believe me I am used to having to fight for commonsense changes…and this my friend is a change I’m going to fight for to the end…

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This is total BS. Tons of people didn’t want Role Queue and asked for Open Queue, it was everywhere.

It wasn’t… In fact when we suggested it there was barely any support… Just a few people who actually have sense who backed it…at least on this forum anyway…

Tons of people like you saying things like "it would be detrimental to the game… Or that it would take up development time…

I was here, there were literally posts about it every day to the point where people complaining about not being able to flex any more became a meme.

Indeed, but open queue as a separate mode was not the commonly suggested solution…I even did a poll on this somewhere… There was barely any support for comp classic…

Only people suggesting and really supporting it were me Socrates Mega GreyFalcon …

There were more than enough people talking about it for them to try it. And it required almost zero work as it was an existing mode that they just had to re-enable.

Sorry but if you’re going to try and peddle ‘open queue had almost no support too’ as a reason for this non-issue to be changed, you’re going to need to try that on someone who didn’t see what actually happened.

It took months of campaigning but we finally got them to test it out… There was about five of us who actually regularly campaigned for it…as a permanent mode…now if you want to show me otherwise then feel free to link the threads…

There were way more than 5 people. And you don’t even have that here.

Maybe six at the most? But you don’t have any threads to show your claim… because what I describe is exactly what happened… It takes a few smart thinking people to bring about change… And often there is huge backlash at first… If you don’t believe me then why don’t you just look at my thread that I made that suggested it… where was all the supposed support…?I made dozens of threads probably… And I assure you people were simply not interested in hearing about it back then…just like you’re not interested in a commonsense change…

There were comments across multiple threads where people were unhappy about losing open queue, constantly, before and after role queue.

The fact that you think that you and a tiny band of “smart thinking people” (???) somehow turned the tide, really is laughable. There were enough people that expressed wanting it for them to try it, and when they tried it it did OK. You personally had 0 impact I assure you.

They were unhappy, sure, but who, tell me, was asking for it to return as a separate, permanent , side by side mode? Barely anyone… Trust me, I remember… It was so hard to gain support for it…so I fully understand why this idea is receiving backlash… But I assure you in the end my idea will gain support…people said the same sort of things as you… "It will confuse new players…"it simply does not make sense to make people stand around and do nothing… It’s incredibly out of place in this game… I wouldn’t be surprised to see those assembly phase The first thing they get rid of in overwatch 2…

Here’s another thread for you… Again, barely any support…barely managed to hit 30 replies…

You aren’t doing nothing. You’re assembling your team and getting into position. Sadly Blizzard can’t patch how time works to make it faster for the attackers. The changes you’ve suggested aren’t good, would require more work than is worth considering how tiny an issue it is (you can never eliminate the set up time, only reduce it, and they have), and could potentially cause other issues.

And they could reduce it further… Much further… And you are just making up problems that don’t exist… Like supposed “bugs” that simply do not exist…they just need to spawn the defenders closer… This does not require any kind of special work… Simply set their coordinates and have them spawn there at the point… You don’t even need a “door”… or speed them up from spawn… These are both perfectly adequate suggestions but I’m sure blizzard can figure something out…

I’ve already addressed why they can’t spawn them closer. And even if they chose to ignore new players (they won’t) I’m sure just adding a spawn point to a non-spawn area of the map for a short time would cause no issues… Just make it work right. No way it’ll need hundreds of hours of work, testing and tweaking, they have devs and QEs just sitting around doing nothing who can do that right?

Yes they can…And I’m not even a coder and I could do it in my spare time…it’s so simple… spawning players at a location is like the most basic thing…I could probably learn to script it in workshop with relative ease…and they already have the ground work for it… Symmetra teleports and reaper teleports function fine do they not?

Coding it is maybe 25% of the work in an app the size and complexity of Overwatch. Any change that will affect every map and every game will need to be robustly tested. Issues will be found, fixed, then testing starts again. There are no small changes if they affect every area. Testing would involve playing games normally, actively trying to break it, across every map and mode and with every hero. And even when they get it working, some player will break it in a way they didn’t forsee within a week.

Everyone doing that, is also NOT working on something else.

Workshop is different. If it breaks no one has to care.

And at the end, even if we ignore every other issue, what would we have? Maybe 30 seconds less of wait at the absolute most, most likely not even that.

Not even close to worth it. They already tested things out when they reduced the times and this was the balance they chose.

30 seconds less wait time? That would be a dream come true for me…adds up to a lot over my average comp session…let’s put it on the experimental so we can iron out those glitches then… :slight_smile: