What's with all the sniper hate?

I agree on Hanzo. Needs a tone down.

That’s why you play smartly with LOS. She isn’t the 1 v 6 hero that you think she is.

It’s literally been said by the devs and proven Hanzo’s arrow is actually the smallest projectile in the game. If you do digging you’ll find the post.

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Lol, I’m just stating what some of people think of snipers from my games. Could post more but some are not PG-13 below content.

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Half of those are just nonsense. Evidenced by how ineffective they are at 4000-4300 vs widow.
I did get a real kick out of ‘harass the widow with lucio’ though.


People watch OWL so much they believe they play at that level. The worst offenders are the masters players that think she is busted because they suck. Rofl.

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Explain how they are nonsense?

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Is this the new “click her head”?


Basically. It’s true though, it’s really not that hard to kill the sniper.

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Then why is there this “sniper hate”? More than just a salty player.


She was the OG Brigitte. Once you tell them how to deal with her, they start complaining about how she is double pocketed and her tanks are peeling for her and she will just grapple away. In other words, just like Brigitte, they are not complaining about the character. They are complaining about teamwork.

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80% of my quickplay games have Hanzo and Widow smurfs because there’s 86 trillion people who wanna be Wraxu or Kephrii and they ruin the match and fun for every one and it’s a matter of seeing if the double god snipers are on your team or the enemy team and that determines who wins the match

If a person lists battle mercy as a widow counter, I don’t think I actually can explain to said person in a way that they’d understand…


Yeah, no hero is op because you can kill them lol just click on the head 4head


The big problem with long ranged snipers imo is OW maps are really not built for them. There are often long lines of sight with zero cover. You have to stand on the objective/payload to keep it going and most objectives have zero cover. Simply put the way you play the game forces you into bad situations vs snipers where your only possible saving grace are shields. With only two hero’s having effective shields to hide behind.


nailed it.


If you think they require zero game sense, you know nothing about how they are played in ranks where they are actually relevant.

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Because the entire game is based around snipers (Hanzo/Widow) or semi snipers (Mei, McCree, Ashe, etc) and is the only FPS period where there is nothing detrimental against snipers for moving while sniping, staying zeroed in, fall off damage, etc. Its silly.

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To me, the game seems designed to have a lot more back and forth in it’s interactions. Sniper one-shots bypass this by requiring all defense against them to be proactive.

Rein, D.va, Zarya, and Winston all have nearly instantaneous reactive shields, so you’d think you’d be able to use them against all threats and management would be the issue. McCree flashed someone? DM them. Ashe hit a shot on someone? Bubble them before the next shot comes. Snipers get one hit and it’s too late, rendering any reactive use of those defenses useless.
Same thing applies to healing. Out of 7 supports, 5 can’t use any of their tools against damage to stop those one-shots, and Baptiste has to use his defense pre-emptively. Mercy is the only hero in the game that has any sort of reactive counterplay.

The above issues also affect personal defenses like

  • deflect
  • ice block
  • fade
  • wraith form
  • translocate
  • recall
  • the previously mentioned shields used on yourself

Tl;dr: It feels like the game want each individual kill to require outplaying your opponent in a way the snipers don’t have to.


My main issue is since I don’t have a great computer, I have to play on low settings. I’ll die to snipers that I physically can’t see because they don’t render.

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I am not against snipers at all but in these situations are the snipers themselves idiots?

She has to land 4 shots on a 200hp hero to kill them, just a scope doesn’t make her a sniper.


You really want to demonstrate how less you know about this game, isn’t it?

now i am convinced.

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