Everyone is saying he’s braindead easy to play but so far none of you can play him? I’ve not heard of anyone suddenly climbing 5 ranks to GM by one tricking Genji because he’s so braindead overpowered (can’t say the same for Brig) so I’m just very confused.
Because he didn’t need 4 buffs at once imo, plus it made him easier to play
I have a friend who started playing Genji with his right mouse button taped down and he’s climbed from 2700 to top500 in a week.
There that should be prove enough to get him decommissioned like they did Brig.
Even if this was true, not many people would have time to grind queue simulator
Genji is doing slightly better than Reaper in Gold according to overbuff, so…
sure bro
Wilde assumption. Pretty sure every common player can play him in an acceptable level now. +The hate is for his damn short ult charge.
And the neigh Unstoppable ult too
Everyone hates everyone.
Does it really matter at the end of the day?
He(nor brig) are going anywhere.
You can counter him with tank ults but they charge way slower and it’s a waste.
stun him? hack him? literally walk away from him? idk
I never mind playing with and against Genji. The only people i can really see being upset about all this are Zen mains. I feel bad for you guys . Our poor omnic guru needs some love…
It works so well that he’s unplayable in high ranks….oh, wait.
I said it that should be proof enough. It certainly works when people claim that about supports.
First of all. It’s proof, not prove. Second of all, what’s that argument? Someone lied about going to t500 with no brain so you should do it too?
I don’t know what you mean. Yes, I hear…
…his ult line…
…other second in a…
…match. But…
…I don’t see how…
…that could be annoying.
as a support: I don’t like being insta-gibbed by Doomfist flying in from an alternate dimension before I can react
they then added echo, who is capable of the same
and now they’ve buffed Genji to be the same
Yknow it’s always the default Overwatch portrait is going to say the stupidest sh*t on this forum.
you mean the ranks where people actually understand heroes fundamentally? Also the 1% (which means you likely aren’t there or deal with GM genji’s)? ok keep using GM as an excuse.