What's up with French hating?

Don’t know.

Don’t care.

A revoir.

It doesn’t really apply in ow but whenever I play with french, they are really really toxic for no reason other than me killing them in a video game. That doesn’t apply to everyone and I don’t know the situation on EU.

I’m a Euro, a lot of people dislike the french, its quite a um. Popular cultural thing within parts of Europe to hate them because of historical reasons. I don’t hate France or french people, however, I’ve had my extensive run ins which have led me to be wary about them.

You probably don’t care and also you shouldn’t but you look really dumb when you say that without specifying.

I don’t know where it came from

In my experience it’s mostly the english being rude
and they always have a very specific accent, can’t tell which region but somehow most of the people from there are real toxic.

The definition of racism:
The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
Hating on the French has little to do with racism so please refrain from misusing the term, alright?

many game communities on their eu servers have a partly memey partly racist culture of disdain for french community in the game. Its in monster hunter, its in overwatch, etc. I think it stems from the stereotype that they are vocally toxic more often.
However, I suspect its because the french accent is just obvious whereas other accents often have less obviously determinable origin, so people clock the french accent more. There’s a similar stereotype with other communities on eu(middle east and russia), but really anyone can be extremely toxic. Its not a nations culture, its just specific individuals not having mental and communication skills and they can come from anywhere around the world

Let me explain.

1.French peoples English accent is easy to detect/they can’t talk English and are just talking french to you.
2.when french person is an a-hole you can connect it to a country
3.this makes you believe that french people are over proportionally rude because every other a-hole is not map-able that easy
4.because of this conformation bias you tend to be more rude to french
5.french people hate everyone back and become more rude.
6.start over with step 2.

easy fix:
-french learns English and/or works on their accent.

Im and EU player, and I dont hate the French at all, But the French tend to be the most toxic and their blood boils the most in a game, idk why

How dafuq is that an easy fix? mastering an accent takes decades sometimes.

I said work, not master it dude. It only needs to be good enough to not sound french. I’m living in France and I have yet to see someone having anything resembling a clean English here. Its already an event when you find someone that speaks English at all in this country. Not kidding.

That being said, I think most of you guys are actually playing with quite some french people but never notice because they don’t type or speak in-game.
If they do they are bloody annoying though

I don’t know, but I have some EU friends who complain about French players being super toxic.

Why do you even say “I hate French people” What’s the context?

I think this doesn’t belong in video games (same with politics)

Only acceptable french hating is our beloved Paris map.

I don’t hear anyone talk about French people in NA games either unsurprisingly. But I am suspicious of anyone who chooses to ignore half the letters they use in a word when pronouncing it. :wink:

Even people on FFXIV give French people a ton of crap, IDK where it comes from. LOL

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Probably cause of widow

I only remember playing with two French players once and they were clogging up comms speaking in French to each other and then toward the end of the game that we were losing one of them decided to be toxic and ask “why was no one else talking” and I said “because presumably no one else speaks French” and he asks “you decide to say that now” as if I wouldn’t sound like a moron telling these guys to speak English. I’m sure I’ve played with nice French people, but these two guys are all I remember. The French and Russians are stereotyped to be the rudest EU gamers.

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Je suis Charlie. :heart:

I’ll let it slide because you sound like you are not a native english speaker or you don’t speak words, but hating an ethnic group is definitely racism no matter how drunk you are or generaly discriminating based on race.

It’s a Britain thing.

It’s not about hating an ethnicity in this case though so I don’t understand why you’re calling me “drunk” etc. Considering that you’re probably just trolling, this’ll be my final response.