They took out qp classic and mystery heroes
The only 2 modes ppl actually played
yup, waiting on a reply to my ticket. not expecting anything really, the lack of info on the issue kinda signals already what the answer will be
Blizz Devs be like, “How can we get more people into Comp and QP to help address queue complaints?.. Hey I see a ton of people in QPC and MH, lemme just disable those and they’ll have nowhere to go but… Where’d they all go?”
This would be the most likely scenario i guess, would also explain the silence about it. Also would most likely mean they wont be rolling this back since it would mean confirming defeat. Small egos and such
I hate QP doesnt exist anymore. Its the only mode i was playing.
Maybe its my que to move on to another game. But ffs im just positifly tested on corona, im in quarintine.
Get well soon mate, hope you can find something to pass the time. Or that they notice the now stranded people and put the mode back in, of course.
Thanks for ur compassion. And i hope too it was a mistake to take out QP.
Cause ive been playing OW since beginning . Sometimes toke a rest for a couple of months, but i always came back to OW.
But im not the kind for competetive gameplay nor 2-2-2.
So i will have my fingers crossed.
Yeah, this bothered me. I’d drop this game if it didn’t have QP Classic.
Please put it back, Blizz. It’s supposed to be permanent.
Yeah, no. I’ll just play a game of TDM and then log out lol.
It’s the only way to make some people play ctf. Also it’s another way to reduce experience points gains.
They F’ed up and are following standard Blizzard protocols in such situations; not saying a darn thing and wait for it to blow over.
most likely. lets see if we can recreate 2017 here
I’m guessing QPQ and MH will be back this evening. The Arcade seems to change every 24 hours around 8 pm EST (5 pm PST).
Last night I did some QP and my DPS queue times said < 3 mins but most were about 1 min wait.
Devs replayed here
Between this and OW2 “5v5” we might as well quit the game:
its nice to see them replying. now i hope the choice of a thread expressly about QP doesnt mean bad things for MH