Whats the true rank distribution?

Like 6 years ago they made a statistic that showed what rank has how much % of the playerbase

  • Bronze – 8%
  • Silver – 21%
  • Gold – 32%
  • Platinum – 25%
  • Diamond – 10%
  • Master – 3%
  • Grandmaster – 1%

but I dont believe this is right anymore
Like how many gms even are there in the world? The bottom of top 500 is generally GM3 for tanks, lets say there are around 250 extra gm5 players for tanks, support and dps top 500 is GM1, so lets say 1000 other gm dps and supports
(1500+250+1000+1000)*3 (every region) = 11250

lets account for smurfs by saying every 5th player has atleast 1 smurf in gm, maybe even more but lets stick with every 5
many players who are gm on one role are also gm on another, every 5th player again

Statiscs say there have been 23.608.850 players in the last 30 days
6750/23.608.850= 0,03% of players are gm

now you can say there are less smurfs or more gms per role not in top 500, but there would need to be 236.089 gms for the statistics to be accurate

That is some extreme highballing.

A gaussian, normal distribution, a bell curve, etc. These are usually very accurate ways to represent populations in a lot of things. It is used like 99% of the time in anything involving stats.

I really see no reason why this would have shifted much beyond the bell curve center point might have fluctuated some, At any given moment with rank resets everyone is actively shifted lower that plays pushing the bar graph to the left. Middle rank is generally around gold. It probably has shifted towards low gold, but gold nonetheless.

However, since Blizzard has said that they balance matches around MMR, the MMR bell curve is probably a more accurate representation of the community. The SR is heavily manipulated at the start of the season and near the end of the season might look more normal.