What's the silliest thing you have read on the forums

I’m X rank (hidden profile).

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“Mercy’s superjump is way overpowered and makes her invincible and needs to be patched out” :unamused:


https: //i. gyazo. com/7ade5c16c0f0bf74ddc75cb0d62523d9.png

Is it fate?

insert everything that I don’t agree with

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Oh how could I forget about the guy who recently said “Rein now counters Doom when he gets the new cc reduction buffs”

He even got that part wrong :l

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Hog is OP (Prior to that stupid ultra-nerf)
Hog is fine (After that stupid ultra-nerf)

I have another one.

“Mercy should always be above Ana in midranks and lower, because she is an entry hero and because she is easier to play.”

Sure, and what about Reinhardt, Soldier and Bastion? He just wanted Mercy buffed. No hero should always be at the top, no matter the skill floor or role.

“The game should be exclusively balanced around high ranks”


“Bastion needs net buffs”


The grand majority of anti - 2/2/2 role - lock ““arguments”” out there.

Lmaooo, they still get me every time.

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“Bastion needs nerfs”

“Bastion shouldn’t be viable”

And of course, the ever hilarious…

“Bastion should be playable just not able to win games”

Kill me.
Just kill me.

“Genji needs to be buffed.”

Didn’t you hear?

You can’t play Genji in every single team comp anymore.

Which obviously means he needs buffs or he’ll never be playable again.


It was something about sigmas feet and how they dicriminate ppl with mental illness xDD

I just enjoy watching the witch hunt mentality switch to a different character every few weeks.

“Brigitte is balanced and she isnt gutted” i can tell you any type of post mentioning Brigitte and the word “Balanced” is full of lies.