What's the silliest thing you have read on the forums

“[Insert Hero Name] is fine.”

When that is the entirety of their post. If someone is complaining about something, just saying it’s fine isn’t going to accomplish anything.

that 2-2-2 was a good idea. made me laugh for quite a while. and alot of people seem to be committed to the joke lol


I’ve gotten to the point where I can’t discriminate anymore.

The silliest thing I saw on this forum is me paying attention to this forum. To be so young and naive… Now I realize this stuff is just a garbage fire.

“role queue will kill overwatch”

it’s up there among the people who thought brigitte was balanced, or that the bastion ironclad buff was balanced, or that grav/dragon meta was acceptable


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“This character is ez, all you have to do is press buttons”.

Unlike every other character I assume…

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Usually said by people who never play Brigitte but decided to play a single game after the update and call her good lol


No, Don’t you understand? You have to connect with the “skilled” characters on a metaphysical level and become one with it.

If you are pressing buttons your unskilled. You have to be controlling it with your soul in order to be good!

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“Because I bought the game, I should be allowed to cheat and mod it to my wishes. Legally I own the game”

^^ I facepalmed so freaking hard at this.

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“Zarya needs more tragic backstory”

And below how she should be involved in enchancement experiment by russian scientists and then something about skinny man named Ivan or Steve

[Insert Name] is OP / broken. PLZ NERF!

Majority of the time it just ain’t true. I say majority because there have been a few times, but otherwise a lot of the forum exaggerates on heroes being broken or overpowered. :man_shrugging:

and to avoid hypocrisy I will admit I’ve done it in the past as well. :smile:

“Mauga is op, the Baptiste story said he’d be.”

Honestly I did that with hamster. I literally memorized all his little paw movements on his consol and mimicked all his sounds. Spent houes just casually rolling around and grappling.

But I would never gatekeep with such a silly premise



Hero x with 54%+WR needs a buff, because too weak
And this far too often

I dont remember it for Halloween but Lúcioball had it at the first year.

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Im pretty sure it was same for Halloween, as they later banned everyone for abusing it ha

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Honestly, 90% of what I read on the forum is silly. Like, I genuinely cannot find only one thing.

But if I had to pick, it’s definitely the guy who said US army veterans deserve to get discounts because they served their country. This was not a troll either.

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“She’s balanced now”

-reaction to original moth-Mercy rework-

I’ll one up that.

“Hanzo is balanced.” this was during GravDragon/Double snipers meta :crazy_face:

That Baptiste is OP and should be nerfed :rofl::rofl: probably the last hero I’d want to see in my team