What's the point of Mercy?

But that’s what she does now. She stops healing for 2 seconds whilst rezzing.

Also this ability is deemed so amazing that her basic healing is anaemic and she basically has no Ult. So, in effect, her rez makes her a far worse healer, just like you’re complaining mass rez did.


It’s circular because you’re using the argument as the proof.

"You remove what’s broken, and it was removed, therefore it was broken.

I specifically asked you to explain this reasoning, and you said “because it was removed”.

This makes no sense, because the same argument could be made about current Rez, except worse. When it was reworked, Rez did not require Mercy to stop healing at all–in fact, the top level Mercys used the invincibility aggressively so that they could continue healing/boosting their living teammates while bringing back the dead ones.

If this is supposed to be a problem, then the CURRENT Rez makes even less sense, because Mercy specifically has to stop aiding her team in order to use it, and she cannot perform any other functions while she does it.

Again, if hiding to use her ability was not what was intended to use Mass Rez, there were a number of options that could have been taken to correct it.


Along with Soldier 20 damage per round. Guess what is being tested on ptr…

Telling someone they don’t have any logic for an argument you haven’t heard is splitting a small hair from saying they don’t have any logic.

I’m not, and yes it was.

“No you.” You’re supposed to grow out of that after kindergarten.

My reading comprehension is fine. Pickrates and winrates are just not opinions. Sorry.

As I said, you can easily see the disparity of opinions if you take even 5 minutes to look up the subject.

For someone complaining about ‘reading comprehension’, you don’t know what ‘disparity’ means.

Treating you how you treat me is not hypocrisy.

Because jokes can’t be personal attacks. Right.

Cool. We’re not talking about you.

You made an assumption about who I main. Feel free to backpedal all you want and keep throwing out insults.


Good for you?

I didn’t in the first place. So no problem.

“If you report me, you must be sensitive.” Cool logic.

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Invincibility field is good in combination with rez. Mercy can stack damage boost with Amp matrix. The regenerative burst is good to stack with Mercy’s healing. It heals 150hp over 5 seconds (30 hps). Valk + Invincibility field can counter most ultimates. Mercy can use Baptiste as an anchor for GA to get to high ground or fly up high since he has Exo Boots. Mercy’s pistol is extremely deadly with Amp matrix, with max 400 damage per second.

what is it my dude? 20chars

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Mercy’s super jump is a bug, lol. It’s not even intended. So you can’t say Baptiste stole something from her kit because of his Exo Boots.

Er, 20 damage per round. Reverted about a year ago as it made Soldier too good back then. But damage, and healing, numbers are ramping up like crazy lately.

Mass rez was busted a while back. But now you’ve got a hero with an arguably better effect as a 20 second cool down…


mercy is good for reliable healing that doesn’t require aim, and survivability. She has both, and can also damage boost, and Ressurect.

Mercy’s ultimate allows her to pocket everyone at the same time, no matter where they are baptiste requires you to all stand in the same place to get the ultimate value, or to get the value from immortality field, meaning once its gone, you are sitting ducks.

Mercy can heal through shields, and from behind walls, which Baptiste.

Every hero has its own skills.

The abilityies have upsides yes, but you are ignoring the downsides, and that s disingenuous.

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ahh i see. thought there was something else for mercy aside from the rez movement speed buff. but yeah really hope they start using ptr to actually test changes people wanna see

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People keep saying this but I don’t see it.

The only way Mercy will have teammates to Rez is if Baptiste didn’t use the Field in time or it was broken. If Baptiste uses it correctly, Mercy won’t have to Rez anyone and if it was broken, she’s going to lack protection anyway.

Not to mention that there’s a LOT of synergy to give up just for the chance she might Rez, especially since Mercy can still be CCed out of it unlike when protected by a Zarya bubble.

Roadhog, McCree, Sombra, Brigitte, or anyone with knockback can ruin TWO cooldowns for the price of one.

The problem is that nearly every other support has BETTER synergy with these abilities. 400 DPS sounds like a lot except for the inefficiency of Mercy’s weapon.


baptiste honestly does nothing for goats. Zen ult is already plenty enough for when people are about to die, and Goats has never cared about reliable healing because rotation of tanking abilities makes damage laughable. Zenyattas ability to help kill targets faster and amplify damage from all sources, while being a damage dealer himself is much more valuable than an ability on a 16 second cooldown that can easily be focused down and destroyed, and requires you to be in the same place like sitting ducks to get value from which can keep you at 20% of your health. Plus zen usually has his ultimate up at the times you would need it, meaning its not really usefull to the comp.

If players with no game design experience can come up with something like this I assure you people with 15+ years in game design can come up with it. I highly doubt they stole this idea from the forums.

I came up with the idea for a Tiki genji skin 2 weeks before genjis allstars skin came out, and posted it in a thread, I highly doubt they saw that and decided to make it the skin for allstars.

But that’s an ult while IF is a cooldown.

I don’t see how we can look at the idea of a speed-boosted, immortal Reinhardt rushing the enemy team and not think it won’t aid GOATS.

Which is why my theory is that he’d replace Brigitte, rather than Zen.

Just a theory, mind you.

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Mercy heal doesn’t need aim. So what? Implication being that as she’s less mechanically skill intensive she should be garbage?

Mercy Ult doesn’t heal everybody anywhere at all. Beam often breaks due to distance or Los blocking.

Oh no, super broken ability requires some grouping up. That’s generally what you want to do in ow anyway, or with a Goats comp…

So what if drone dies in 1 or 2 seconds? Just drop it in response to Dva bomb, rip tyre, etc as a pseudo sound barrier.

Just a note that his grenades have massive range and he can start lobbing them out of spawn for them to land as first fight starts. Like a drop kick in rugby…


hed never replace brig because the comp relies on the stacking of aura healing to sustain while they fight. quite simply put, baptiste offers nothing to goats that someone doesn’t already have in a some way or another.

Need a mobile healer? Lucio, who also makes the team mobile.

Need a way to save a teammate? Theres trans, Rally, and sound barrier

Need damage? Zenyatta 2 taps squishies when discorded.

the only thing that Baptiste brings to the table is better healing numbers, in which case He may have replaced moira, but Zenyatta Replaces her with much more impact.

I played OW for a tier 3 team for a long time in the goats meta, and im just saying from a high level Players POV he really doesn’t bring anything that isn’t already there to the table.

But that’s exactly the point. They don’t need that if IF is up, not to mention that his alt-fire is decent AOE healing in itself.

Again, Rally is less efficient at saving a teammate than IF.

The one thing I could agree with is that Repair Pack doesn’t have to worry about getting eaten by Defense Matrix. That’s the sole factor I think that may keep Baptiste out of GOATS.

no the implication is she brings ease of use, and there for easy impact to the game.

If you are playing in even what resembles a team environment and formation, she will heal everyone at once, unless they are wildly out of position, in which case that’s the fault of the player, not the kit.

because focus fire isn’t a thing right?

which means they can be blocked by shields or eaten by defense matrix.

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Okay let me put it to you this way. if you are all stacking yourself into an IF you are begging to be graved. and a high charge zarya can kill that drone in less than 2 seconds. at which point your team will be decimated. The entire goats comp is about getting big gravs and shatters off in high level play, so why on earth would you willingly group up to be decimated even easier?

its also not tied to one area and can be used while moving The IF means nothing if you cant use it to disengage or engage, and the field is stuck in one spot once you use it, and you have to come to it

IFs lack of mobility and requirement of such a hard commitment to one place alone makes it useless to goats comp.

Two seconds of immortality and two seconds of Zarya focusing her fire on something else other than the team are hella useful.

That’s really the big issue here: IF requires the enemy team dedicate focus and resources into destroying it or else.

Again, it doesn’t need to stay out forever, nor does the team need to stay cramped behind it forever. Just using it to make Rein unkillable for two seconds is all Baptiste needs, especially since he can save the IF for the moment Rein’s health goes below half.

That’s ON TOP of the protection he gets from a Zarya bubble.

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