What's the point of brig's stun now?

It can’t drop shields like flashbang
It can’t secure kills like pretty much any other stun. So what’sthe point of stunning someone as brig now?

I kinda hate brig but I’m just tryina figure out what were devs thinking when they did this?

An ability that provides pretty much nothing on a 7s cooldown


I think its to interrupt abilities and stop dive. But with the damage as it is i would expect it to lower in CD


Protecting your TEAM and not being a 1woman army


Single target 150hp every 6s is not what I call protecting your team. Zen does that in 5s and he also has discord and super high damage

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Yeah but zen can’t push away divers . Brig can. Winston coming in,bam press shift and he’ll fly back to moon to meet his other monkey friends.

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Im not saying that brig is underpowered or not. I’m just saying there’s no point to have a 5 damage ability on a 7s cooldown. It pretty much provides nothing

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Its a stun, the target will stand still for ~1 sec,and a static target is a dead target.

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That’s like saying Sleep dart has no value. It stops something from happening(ultimates) or keeps something that can move fast from getting away at least for a little while. Of course that has value.

Its purpose is to counter flankers, and honestly if you still haven’t gotten the point of it in 6 months it’s kinda confusing and sad. With a semi competent team and a stun that lasts 1 second (longer than McCree’s stun but his isn’t garbage for some reason) you can easily take out almost any flanker.

Cancel channeling.
Well, stunning.

But here you got the point

Can it stop Roadhog from healing/ulting, or Moira from ulting, can it displace or disrupt Doomfist still? Will it stop Genji from jumping around just long enough for a teammate to capitalize on? Can it close the gap so Brig’s enemies are in her splash zone?

Or is it just a fancy idle animation?

I hate Brig as much as the next person but this damage nerf seems a bit harsh. I think shield bash doing maybe 20 or 30 damage like McCree’s flashbang does would be much fairer considering she can no longer bash through barriers.

I don’t see the logic behind this change and why 5HP was chosen. Sleep dart does only 5 damage but the stun can last up to 6 seconds.

to answer ur question

u can still interrupt/delete ultimates by walking up to them completely protected by ur own shield and bash into them

u can actually stay with ur team, like ur supposed to, and ur team will follow up on your stuns, killing the victim.

brig is a team support, not a flanker



This nerf is not enough, devs should nerf her armor in repair kit to give 25 armor and 25 armor in rally, a reminiscent to what they did to symm and its only fair.

The thing is she now actually has to think about where she is in respect to where her team is. She is meant to manage flankers while supporting her team countering heroes like tracer and Genji by slowing them down. I rarely saw a brig doing that as they ran in front like a baby tank to remove the tanks shield. A shield that is focused down very fast already.

She can’t just run in all willy nilly and slam into rein through his shield and focus him and his team down without consequences anymore.

I don’t think she needs all these nerfs that people are asking for though, she is going to have a learning curve to her shield bash because habits have formed. Take her armor or more nerfs and you will have deleted her.

This is completely underselling it.

If your Widow has a Winston land on her, and she’s on 50 hp, what’s going to save her? Zen orb that heals for half of Winston’s damage output, or 150 instant healing that allows Widow time to grapple away or get support from her team? Are we assuming that if asked nicely, Winston will simply wait for 5 seconds so harmony can heal as much as repair pack does instantaneously?

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She’s a front line support. It is not for countering flankers.

I have no idea where people get this idea she should be stood at the back contributing nothing at all and waiting for a flanker to come along.

She has to be engaged to heal or get literally any value from her kit. She’s a melee combat hero. Standing around waiting for flankers does nothing for her or anyone else.

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I mean, wasnt the point of brigs stun in the first place to be a self defence mechanism, not a straight on attack ability

No. Omg. Literally nothing about her kit gives her any value stood on the back line.

Nothing lol
It’s just a boop