What's the lowest you've fallen in Competitive?

1200 because I was a loser. Then I started playing Brig and got to gold.

I tried this exercise in stopping, it just meant I lost 3 matches several days running. If the game wants you to lose 12 matches on the bounce, it’s going to happen.

On PC? My lowest was about 1590 something I believe.

On Xbox? My lowest was 1985.

Stuck in Silver on PC, and on Xbox I was placed in Gold after being Plat/Diamond for several seasons…that’s what I get for trying to solo queue. I ended up getting really bad team mates so my overall performance would end up recording badly because if your team won’t work with you, the game thinks you’re just performing poorly than normal.

From 1960 to 920, that was a hella ride. After breaching the 1000 sr barrier the whole thing gone fubar, it took a week to achieve this madness and 2 more to get back to 1400.

Gather around kids, uncle Matt is going to tell you the story of how he lol’d irl at ranked and how he found out first hand that matchmaking is trash and not to be taken seriously.

At the end of Season 2, as with many others at that time, I “played heroes I didn’t normally play and had some fun” and I finished at 2100s. No big deal, I deserved what I got.
Season 3 comes and I have horrible placements, ending up at 1800s. Then the ordeal starts.
I climb to 1900s, then fall back at 1800s.
I climb to 2000s, then fall back at 1700s.
I climb to 2100s, then fall back to 1600s.
I climb to 2200s, stay there for a while, then I drop back to 1700s.
I climb to 2400s, then an extreme loss streak with the most braindead teammates hits and I fall to 1021. That’s right fellas, you read it correctly, 1021.
I decide to quit playing OW but it only lasts 2 days. I come back to play 1 match. If I lose and drop below 1k, I’m permanently done. If I win, I’ll keep playing and see where I end up. Seasons back then lasted 3 months and I have 1 month and 1 week till the end of the season.
I win that match and I keep winning and winning, eventually getting to 3100s with about 2 weeks to spare.

When the matchmaking system is so flawless, loss/win streaks and forced 50/50 don’t exist and “you are where you belong”, how can someone who is 1021 SR climb to 3100s within a couple of weeks after having a tiny break of 2 days without playing OW at all or looking for advice on how to git gud? Not to mention that I was playing Mercy.

Well the lowest I’ve ever been is 570sr, in my first season. I placed like 1100 I think.

But my largest drop was from 3998 to 3017. This was like the slowest drop ever. It literally took me like 40 hours of playtime to go from 4k to 3k. I stopped playing and took a long break before I hit plat, because that would be humiliating. But I came back to it with a fresh mind and hard carried my way back to mid master, then gm.

last season, I was mid diamond (3.3k) and dropped down to high plat (2.8k) and then climbed up to low masters (3.6k)

(Ps4) I had a massive mental breakdown yesterday in comp. I ran out of my lithium medication and had extremely toxic games one after another. Even after leaving team chat i still got a barrage of nasty messages and the emotional damage was already done. I couldn’t handle it anymore as the flashbacks of high school and college and started screaming and crying and their sociopathic laughter continued.

So to answer, i went from 2485 to 1800 last night, but this morning i climbed back up to 2100. I have never been plat on my main and i was so close…feels like i never will. Sorry but i dont have any friends as i cant have any, so i have no one to vent to

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Already on my way back to Masters

I was on a mission to get to 1 sr but could only make it to like 1700 from 2500

I started in Gold and started a steady climb up through Plat and peaked in mid Diamond. I slowly started to fall back to hover around 3000 sr, and then suddenly over two seasons I suddenly nose dived down to almost be back in Gold. I’ve now climbed back to mid-high Plat, and I hope to avoid whatever caused my fall and, if the gaming gods are willing, maybe get back into Diamond again.

Lowest: 665 (s3)
Started at lvl 25. I remember losing 100 SR in a single game when streaks were a thing.

Highest: 2806 (s8)
I was putting in mad hours to the game. I was also stocking up on coffee and energy drinks with an intent to climb. D.Va was my best character during this run.

Current: 2246 (s14, haven’t done placements yet)
I was plat for the longest then dropped down as low as mid-silver in s12, my lowest since s4. Now I’m sitting around mid gold. My goal is to hit plat again. I will likely take a long break afterwards.

Dropped to 1950 one season and stopped playing comp until season end. Next season placed mid gold, climbed to plat and have never been below plat since

The Matchmaking system has always been flawed lol. It never places you where YOU belong, it places you where it thinks you’ll work the best with ‘team mates’.

Systems that rate you on a win/loss style are flawed because that’s not an accurate representation of how you the player perform. Because if skill points can only be earned by winning and are lost in a large portion upon losing; you’re not grading the player correctly. You’re telling them ‘sorry Jimbob/SallySue, because your team didn’t win, we think you as a player individually do not deserve to be at this point of the ranking system’.

How can your TEAM dictate where YOU belong? Just because teams work by putting people of ‘generally the same skill’ according to the system, doesn’t mean those teams work well together.

No synergy = loss 90+% of the time.

No single individual can win a game by themselves in a game that is team focused and has 6 players on both teams.


100% agreed. Preach!

how can cou climb and fall that way? i always do some steps upwards, just to do the same amounts downstairs again and finally never left gold.

im not that hard trying though, just some random queue here and there…

can you tell what the reasons are for that big difference in your sr? (like team or the hero you played, …)

For those asking how it is I fall and climb so drastically, it’s all good and bad luck really. There are days I just win every single game and then there are days I lose every game.

The games I usually end up losing include throwers or tilted players who are having a bad day. I can’t control it, especially when they end up leaving. But it’s extremely frustrating to lose when you average 15,000 heals and 35 eliminations a game.

Again. It’s all luck.

I started comp in season 7 at 2100, and barely played comp after placements. Come season 8, I went from 2200 to 1400…

Now, I’ve finally peaked at 2912 and really wanna hit Diamond soon

2200 or so? Maybe 2100. I did a couple of seasons in comp just messing around on new heroes that I’ve never played after taking like a three season break, so I wasn’t too concerned about my SR as long as I didn’t drop below Gold.

1298 Bronze (ended 1406) - Season 3 (after peaking in Platinum at 2506 in Season 2), a 20+ game losing streak where I tilted and raged. I then took a deep look in myself and analyzed the weaknesses of the Bronze and Silver ranks, simply put. Players don’t look up or aim very well… so I played Pharah in season 4 and left a trail of ruin and despair in my wake. (One match I even got 93 kills as Pharah.) I peaked back into Platinum by the end of season 4.

It was a very good experience for myself developing as a player and I have a great deal of patience and understanding for this game.

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