What's the dumbest thing you've ever done in OW?

Does buying this game count as dumbest decision in this game?


Nothing special, falling off a cliff as ball.

I’ve booped enemy reins into my own teammates enough times that I probably shouldn’t play lucio lol

Halted a Cassidy by accident and killed three teammates with his High Noon.

reinstalled after RQ was introduced to the game

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Barraged with a hanging ceiling light in my face
I said the letter J and suicided

Instead of waiting behind cover I decided to mine nade combo an ulting Mccree. I missed and he was booped into the air.

He got a 4k.

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Solidarity my brother/sister.

Same. I should have never given this company a second chance after they messed up in Q3 of 2017 and started leading us down the same path of World of Warcraft.

I dumped my GUILD and left behind a few THOUSAND hours worth of my time, after patching in that game made ZERO sense and they just repeated the same thing here after Q3 of 2017. But because TF2 was F2p. I wanted something to fill the void and Minecraft was getting old.

Once threw a Dva bomb out the window at the Lijang Tower Garden

I was playing as winston on numbani. My ana gave me the nano, so I jumped on to point A, used primal, and started dancing. Primal nano dancing monke!

… I got blown up, and some of my team was mad but some were laughing

Spending money on OWL stuff :grimacing:

ingame: walling someone’s ult or launching d.va bomb with boosters on cooldown.

Wasting that ult in-base cuz of my fat finger. I have over 1,000 hours in this game, How am I still Fat-fingering?? lol

Solo graving a nanoboosted genji use who blade and then proceeding to walk INTO him with bubble on cooldown. It’s such a habit to push into grav’d enemies to go through the rein shield :weary:

I once flew in and tried to rez a teammate in front of an enemy Hanzo. I saw him practically standing on top of the body and I went for the rez anyways.

But wait, it gets dumber! There I was, a gift-wrapped kill stuck in the rez animation… But when the Hanzo uses storm arrow, he misses




At point blank range.

I actually got away with the worst, dumbest rez attempt of all time :rofl:

I felt so cheeky about it that I even took an extra second to bop the Hanzo on the nose before flying back to safety, lol.

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I am sure I know what I was thinking about you at this moment, I fall a victim in the similar situation :grin:

What, like, recently? Or ever?

Either way I can’t remember.

The dumbest thing I did? probably join in being mean to someone In high diamond, we had an Ana on our team who had like a 12% winrate and had dropped from 4.3k to 3.4 and these guys on my team were accusing her of being boosted/bought account and how she played like a much lower rank.

Our team were being really toxic towards her constantly ranting and raging about how she’s missing all her shots and landing really weird nades and basically doing everything on CD and sketch positioning

Anyway, I needed healing really bad and there was no threat as we just won a team fight, I had full ultimate so I thought I’d get the Ana to heal me instead of usin orb so she could get some ult charge, she missed 3 shots on me then landed and the Cree on our team began screaming something like “SEE DUDE I JUST SAW THE ANA MISS 3 TIMES ON MOIRA WHOS STANDING STILL, U CANT EVEN MAKE THIS STUFF UP”

And I was already stressed out from all the toxicity so I began yelling at Ana to switch to any other support but Ana and that I would give her Moira if she wants to play Moira and said some mean things like she was terrible etc.

Still feel really bad about the Ana, :sob: wish I could go back in time and apologise to them because they already had the other 4 members of our team saying how bad she was

tl;dr: I yelled at a person who had clearly bought their account for playing badly and wanted them to switch to another hero and felt terrible about it for a long time.

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tell me you clipped it lol

Obviously a Widow main masquerading as Hanzo.

“I shot and I meezzd.”

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