What's the dumbest thing you've ever done in OW?

What’s one of the dumbest plays or decisions you made in a game?

Mine would probably be hooking a D.va bomb into my team and killing everyone… still not sure what I was thinking but hey, we all make dumb mistakes. :sweat_smile:

What are some of everyone elses?


For me? Solo queueing. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Bought the game in the first place.


I once actually did a grav which pulled the enemy rein towards me, and he killed me :rofl:


“When I nod my head, hit it.”


I got nano-boosted as Dva so I used my ultimate :upside_down_face:


Lol hey, man, some of us have no choice. :joy: :sob:


I was Walking to D.Va Ultimate Ahead of Shield, and I was Watching at D.Va Ultimate as Torbjorn, also I did Watching at McCree Ultimate and Soldier: 76’s Ultimate as Reinhardt and not use Shield when my Shield was almost Full, Lead Nearly to Wipe of my Team.

Every single time I go to throw bomb and ult without actually making sure boosters are going

I get so mad at myself.


Ult As S76 than turn the corner to a Hog

To be continue …

Queueing into a game expecting not to go against Cassidy and Hog for the sixth consecutive game.


Putting my Dva bomb on a moving platform in the Industry map , then jumping off the map because I wanted to switch characters and getting a team kill with said bomb plus potg lol.


Probably following some Monkee/Rein/Genji/Ball into enemy backline as a Mercy - only to die…
Sometimes, I just can´t help it…

I just afk in shame when I do that


I once booped an Ulting Reaper into two of my teammates as Lucio. In my defence, I was trying to get him off the point so we could capture it. >.>

Put an ice wall in front of a D.Va Ult on top of a payload. Me and my mates were so mad but laughing so hard at the same time

Back when I was a Lucio main, I once went to wallride in the Well on Ilios, evading the enemies chasing me down.

I forgot I was Moira.


Too many things to choose just one, so I’ll use something I did just today.

Playing Cassidy; got surprise-dove by a D.Va. I accidentally pressed Q right before I would have deleted her mech, and of course she ate my High Noon. When I deleted the mech, she deleted me as Baby D.Va while flying out of her mech. Ugh.

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At the end of attacking Rialto I was trying to Lucio Boop an enemy B.O.B. off the payload (he was the only one contesting) and I actually booped him over our Mei’s wall where he killed 4 of my teammates lol. But we still won though so it was okay.

buying the game pretty much that

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