What's the best sensitivity?

When I first migrated to pc people told me lower sens is better because that’s what pros use. I tried using that but it’s really uncomfortable and feels too slow for me. Lately I’ve been using like 800 dpi with 6-7 sens. I mostly aim with my wrist and only use arm for like 180 turns and this feels way better for me. but I’ve heard that wrist aim is not good for some reason. Is there any truth to this?


When it comes to sens, the best sens is: The one you feel most comfortable with.

If you can aim smoothly and consistently and it feels comfortable, it’s a good sens. You want to avoid a ‘jittery’ aim (where you accidentally nudge the mouse and have your aim whip around wildly.)

The reason a lot of people espouse arm over wrist aiming is because of the potential for stressing your wrist over time. No one wants RSI from a videogame. As I understand it, you use your arm to place your cursor in an optimal position, and then micro adjust the aim with your wrist, this is far less stressful on your wrists meaning you can play for longer without your arm tiring.


I haven’t had this issue yet. Maybe I just have strong wrists :sunglasses:

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I used to play with my wrist on the desk edge and aim with my fingertips… then age finally caught up with me :rofl:


this is the same for me as well. now my wrist gets very sore if I use wrist aim for 30~60 mins game sessions. I have stop using my wrist to aim, and switch over to shoulder/arm aim only. The transactions took a very long time, and it is not as accurate by a large margin. This also affect me a lot whenever I am digitally drawing too.

If you’re young, i advise start building muscle memory using your whole arm so that you’re aren’t that affected when your age starts to catch up.


There is no universal perfect/best sensitivity. everyone has their own sensitivity that they can handle best and this depends on your aim style and setup, among other things.

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The kind that always listens, and keeps an open mind. Also hugging goes a long way.


There is no best sens for all heroes. A good range is 800 DPI and 4-8 IGS.

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The best sense is really what is most comfortable for you. What the pros use is what’s the most comfortable for them.

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if i had to choose:
higher dpi and lower in-game for edpi of high 4k 5000ish.

but in general higher sense for supports because they need to soak awareness by quickly taking in 1-2 frames of their surroundings (all xyz angles). u get about 1-2 frames before you r clapped vs. ai.receipts which is harder than all kr teams.

higher sens especially in lower ranks open comp where you get 1-2 shot ez clap from 3-4 sources xyz angles and geom without any comms, heals, or shields.

awareness processing (high sense) > smooth aim

low sens tells me u need teams/humans to help u which = lowskill & crutch like jay3. that’s fine if you want to play down at the human non-machine levels. lowsens works when ppl are telling u when/where to look like every jay3 stream.

also suggest higher sens for proj and flickshot (sharpshooters) and slightly lower (but still high-ish) for ezscan (tracking type).

but that’s just me i aim train for 1-3 hrs a day and am still in the bottom1% of every1 to ever game. if i could only break 505 sr like jay3 height then i’d be done.

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If you can handle high sensitivity (Your movements are surgery level precise), stick to high.

Low sensitivity is thing for humans who cant even handwrite letter in readable state, like me.

There notable pros using both ways.
Haksal who runs like 10,000edpi or Ryu who runs like 2,400edpi.

Pine is on very high side, Ansan Sniper is on very low side, and both are monsters with same heroes. Conclusion - use whatever you feel like using

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recall this game mines ur i/o and mousefeed. disable tablet_writer.exe and crashmailer.exe et al. in taskman. they have several patents that rig ur aim. aiming 2well? smaller hitboxes for u. aiming poorly? they help with micro-assist, larger hitboxes, more “favour” the hitreg.

horrendous for a competitive experience - but that’s what diversity/inclusion/epcott centre design gets u

it really just needs to go public so normal contestants kno wut they r up against. a simple dev confirm/deny might suffice.

It’s better for certain types of aiming because each movement translates to less angle, providing more accuracy. The downside is the loss of mobility. Interestingly, mechanically demanding games often will require a much higher sens because of mobility and speed of the game. A slow game like a tactical shooter can afford to have a 40+cm/360, but if you’re playing an arena shooter, then most pros seem to play around 20-25cm/360. You just have to move so much in that game that arm aiming becomes difficult, yet those are the best fps players mechanically. It’s an interesting subject.

In terms of heal, I found arm aiming to actually be worse myself. I used to play at 1800esens. Now I’m at 5000, for comparison.

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Sensitivity to light. 100%. It probably means you’re a vampire, which is honestly kinda awesome. :vampire: :bat:


I use 1600 dpi 6/8 in game

Honestly try to go with a sensitivity that you can controll and feel comfortable.
As about wrist aiming or arm or hybrid it depends on you personally.
Sensitivity is personal to every single person there is been cases of Pros using a DPi and Sensitivty of like 500Dpi and 4 Sensitivity but also cases of pros using 1000Dpi and 33 Sensitivity.
So in short there is no such a thing as a perfect secret sensitivity or DPI its just a personal preference, After all aiming is just Hand and eyes cordination.

But i can tell you for me personally i was at 1000Dpi and 9.40 Sensitivity way back and currently im using 850 Dpi and Sensitivity of 6.51

Just make sure though to be comfortable and trust me even your body position while gaming can infuence your Aim but try to be also consistent for at least a week or 2 if you go with a new sensitivity.

Also the great thing about us as Humans is we adapt super fast if we give enough time so either you prefer Wrist aiming or Arm it really comes to you individually and which one benefits you the most.

Sorry for the long post :laughing:

Oh i also forgot make sure also to turn off mouse acceleration. Unless you prefer it idk :confused:


There is no best but the general rule is…

Set you sensitivy so you can turn 180 degrees in one movement (wrist or arm depends on how you aim) then increase it by 25 percent this is good for all heroes. Then work from there… Less for snipers more for tanks or keep it the same of you flex.

There is no universally best sensitivity. Everyone is different. That is why there is a slider on the first place.

Pros uses their full arm to aim. Writs aiming isn’t necessarily bad but it just gives you way more limited set of movement.

Writs only aiming in general requires higher sensitivity so you have enough desk space to turn around without having to lift the mouse many times. However, if you are only sniping you can use lower sensitivity if you get more value of landing shots over dealing with flankers.

800 and 4.5, anything higher feels off for tracking Pharah. Anything lower gives me wrist pain.