What's the best response to those who troll or abuse chat?

I’ve been in a couple of games today that had some really nasty people in them. I was making a suggestion that our healers switch off mercy/lucio and go moira/lucio instead because I’m playing reinhardt and told them I’m not able to survive when I put my shield down because there’s little healing output being put on me. two players whom I assume are grouped together start calling me curse worse and telling me to uninstall etc…

I didn’t respond and right click their chat and reported for abusive chat. Should I make a ticket as well? not sure how best to proceed when it comes to toxicity because I’m trying my best to combat it as much as possible.


I would only do this if there were actual hate speech used.

You did the right thing. they’re just looking for a reaction.


Skill issue

squelch chat


Mute, report, and move on. You did the right thing here, even if just for your own sanity. Tickets aren’t really meant for reporting from my understanding.

I didn’t hear any hate speech, just them calling me curse words and overall being jerks. I’m just not sure how effective reporting is because i’ve reported many others in the past and I don’t typically get a message or response saying action was taken. I think a lot of these people get away with some abusive language.

Have you considered navigating to the nearest mega health pack?

If it’s available and nearby than yes, but that’s besides the point.

Go to options: social and turn off all voice and text chat. Or don’t incite players.

They might. If they really only did it once in a long time the system doesn’t pay attention as much (I think)… but that’s not something you should devote any attention to.

Just remember you’ve already made them mad for whatever reason so there’s your warm fuzzy. Do your part and put that report in so that if they make a habit of it, they get their just desserts… then never ever think of them again because they don’t deserve any further attention.

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No ticket needed, just sounds like a bad situation. You mentioned dying when you put your shield down which most likely means you were feeding at that point (your fault or not doesn’t matter) and when a feeding player tells other people to switch it’s honestly always going to be met with negative response. I usually switch to hog or sig if I get no heals

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The best response is always no response. They don’t get the drama they feed on.

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I tell them thank you

Why not got ball, sig or hog literally a measure for people picking mercy or lucio combo. In addition if they were grouped up, i assume that this is talking about QP.
Where i don’t get the need to tell other people what to do.

Report, describe why exactly you reporting (Toxic in voice chat whatever) and most importantly disable voice from them :smiley:

No need to tell em anything, although sometimes I write ‘reported’ just to for lulz, some people get angry at that… Sometimes I simply write ‘reported’ and dont report cause too lazy

Swap off Rein, they don’t deserve one. That is about all you can do.

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This x1000.

I main Rein. I love Rein.

That said, I flex Ball for those teammates who are entirely undeserving of a Rein.

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To mute/report/ move on.

It’s called trolling for a reason, in other words, they’re not out to get you… they’re out to get anyone who takes their bait. It’s not personal, so report them and forget about them.

Worst thing you can do is bring your ego into the equation and start trying to argue back with strangers who know nothing about you and whom you’ll never meet.


"when you wrestle with a pig… you both end up covered in mud, but the pig likes it". Don’t give them any of your time/attention and just go about your day and you’ll be all the better for it.

Looks like you already know what to do.

Reporting ingame should be enough but it is up to you.

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When the option became available a patch or two ago, I immediately disabled all the text chats.

The voice chat option is still open and I have it to auto-join team voice chat. Generally voice is less toxic, and it’s quick enough to mute obnoxious individuals who spam belches or anything, and that’s actually quite rare anyway.

Honestly text chat in this game is useless. It takes too long to type out messages and can’t be done in the middle of combat. It never made sense to have text chat, and especially global text chat.

What’s the best response to those who troll or abuse chat?

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