What's some of your favorite moments?

I wanted to hear some cool/funny/interesting stories you’ve had in OW! I’ll start out by saying one of the best I’ve had just now. We were playing on Ilios and I was playing Brigitte. The enemy Roadhog went to pull our Bastion, and as he did, I knocked him back off the edge with Bastion still hooked to the chain. I accidentally killed my team’s Bastion! XD

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Exiting the game.

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Besides from quiting this depressioning health destruction of a game?

The moments where teamwork was top dog and cherished by many of the playerbase.

Thanks for trying to spread some positivity, gem, you truly live up to your name.

I also attempted to rise morale some time back but to no avail, so a +1 for you =)

I had a couple of stories which I would not copy and paste here, instead I will share a link.

My first game when the game first came out. Now it’s when I leave the game

The most recent ones, I have a video to show for it.

What made it hilarious is that I placed my turret in a very strategic location whilst I went around hunting for scrap, distributing armour packs and trying to score kills. I saved the team from a team wipe from Mei’s Blizzard and yes, we won the map.

When the POTG played, Red Team members were like, “Wow. Great POTG, bro.”
Absolutely hilarious!