Whats Some Fun FPS's

I want to work on another game for a while.

I’m enjoying Destiny 2 a lot so maybe that one?


I heard counterstrike 1.6 is the New game the kids play.

Do you play it on PC? Are there any players?

The Metroid Prime games.

What? You asked for a first person shooter didn’t you?


Outside of competitive pvp the game is alive. Forsaken will drop on the 4th so it’ll spike for at least 2 weeks.

What do you mean competitive? Does it have like "quick match " mode also ? Im interested in playing it PVP .

Rainbow six siege it’s operators have special abilitys like overwatch heros. Granted I don’t think blizzard likes us promot other games on forums.

Battlefield is always fun.
Just a very pretty and casual dude shooter that seriously sucks you in.

Original Destiny was a lot of fun, but it’s pretty much dead.

You could try Destiny 2 or Warframe.

Doom was a blast.

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Battlefront 2. Its also 9 bucks on Xbox atm. The Division was fun for a while too. Battlefield 1 is good too

Yes, it has quick play and competitive aka ranked. Quick play is pretty casual and alive, ranked is a mess MM wise and pretty dead.

Wish they had a free try or something. I really dont wanna get a dead game ( maybe there are players in NA but who knows if EU is still alive), and i also wanna feel the game first.

Thanks for letting me know though :slight_smile: .

Borderlands 2 and TF2 are timeless. And one is free.


Technically a third person shooter, but i thought Gears of war 4 was an absolute blast.

I play it on PC on the EU servers. There are plenty active players.

Heck yes man, forsaken is almost here, and Jelly is about to explode❤️

So hyped


Seriously now, CS:GO.