What's one hero that you'll always hate?

Enemy Moira because they only ult when I do… if I hold my ult for 10 years, she’ll prob still be holding hers until I ult lol. This type of Moira makes playing her so boring and it’s the main reason I disliked Moira during double shield Meta.

Do they not know you can outheal Moira ult with your orb/primary? lol

Torb, turret is gimmicky and has way to much range on it. Doesnt matter if its stationary, I either die to it while trying to kill an enemy or I die to an enemy while trying to kill it. Its also an early warning system against anyone trying to make a play which detracts any notion of paying attention to enemy movement and location. It also builds ult charge for the enemy torb and doesnt allow the person damaging or destroying it to build ult charge.


Old wounds from when people would insist on playing her when she was a throw pick.

Don’t like her character, her lore.

Devs don’t seem to know what to do with her.

Widowmaker as a character, but I’ve come across so many intolerable Symmetra players in recent time.

Sym 1.0 is what made me hate and continue to hate her and her playerbase. Im talking about the people that set up tp to send people off ledges if they used it.

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i’ll name two, tracer and genji.
their job is to be annoying and annoyed i am.

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doesn’t primary and orb only do 130 hps compared to moira ult which does 140 hps?

Before it was Doomfist. Now it’s Genji.


Yeah, probably Tracer. Genji is now a close second

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her ult does 70 damage not 140, it does 140 heals

I don’t per say hate her as a hero, but more her kit / main mechanic, etc.

But, Pharah.

~That is unless Blizzard decides to stop being stubborn and finally rework her as has been needed for the past 2-ish years. Maybe longer.

You take that back, hes the peak of male performance

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oh i thought you meant healing more not outhealing the damage lol sorry

Widowmaker, I hate playing against good Widows. Sometimes you can’t reach her and her sole counter is better Widow.

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It depends on your team comp and theirs along with the map, but a lot of the time the best thing a ball can do is turn the flank and pull a few of them off to deal with him. It’s just a lot of teams are only used to the safety blanket of Rein/Zarya so they don’t realize they need to press the attack when that happens and they outnumber their enemies and instead just sit there uselessly trading blows from a mile away.

Hard tie between Widowmaker, Doomfist, and Pharah.

They’re the heroes that make me roll my eyes when on the enemy team. They’ll always be oppressive in certain ways with how they’re currently designed.

Just widow. I don’t really mind any other hero. Unfun to play with, unfun to play against. Just a black hole of enjoyment for every game she’s in.

This may come off entirely sarcastic, but I promise you it’s not.

You have really made me realize that maybe I shouldn’t judge so quickly and understand what I (and the rest of the team) need to do to play off of what our ball does. I primarily play support, but I think that I will watch some videos to grasp the general idea of who he targets, what he generally tries to do, and maybe that can help improve my interactions when I see them on my team but not on the field.

Same. I didn’t mind Tracer until I played a game with a Tracer smurf. Being respawn simulator wasn’t fun at all.

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Doomfist, because he is one of the game’s biggest noob tubes.