What's it like for y'all PC peeps

Yeah, I can see that argument but also in a game where 95% of people are on native controls, having the equipment that gives you objectively better aim isn’t cool to me. I play console because I don’t play PC, I don’t wanna be left behind on my own platform

KB+M on console is a much, MUCH better asset than controller on PC. PC players can farm a controller player with ease. Console players get farmed by people XIMming

I don’t see why we’d force people who like playing with console controls to adapt or lose when there’s already a PC platform to use those controls

Also another reason why the only consoles I buy are Nintendo. Because they have exclusive games that will never be ported (legitimately) to PC.

With just a handful exceptions, all big Xbox and Playstation games will end up on PC eventually.

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144hz is essential for higher play. Idk many people who don’t play with it. When I got a 144hz monitor, things changed a lot for me. It’s much better.

As far as PC goes, graphics are much worse because you’re probably sacrificing graphics for frames. I run everything on low but as a result never drop below 150.

Its a bit like switching refresh rate on a monitor. At 16 I bought a 60hz gaming laptop and could reach around 40FPS on ultra settings and it was perfectly fine for me. Then 2 years later, started university bought 300hz Razer gaming laptop (EXTREMELY smooth + 140FPS on epic settings), gave the old laptop to my brother, used it for a while in university. Came back for Christmas, tested the old laptop and it felt absolutely atrocious compared to what I had now. It felt super slow for some reason.


That’s more of the balance team fault
Idk who thought infinite stealth was good

I used to play on my laptop for the first 2-3 years, and had around 30-60fps. When I moved to PC, it was a whole new world.

Now, when I tried laptop again, I just couldn’t do anything anymore. It was choppy and just overall really hard. But honestly, I got good gameplay in when I was on my laptop with low FPS. I never knew what I was missing.

I can’t play like that anymore.

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There is still a difference between uncapped and and capped because of the time between when the frame was rendered and when the monitor refreshes

|      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      | Monitor update times
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |  Possible uncapped render
 |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |Possible capped render

The time between when the image was actually rendered and when its displayed can be wildly “out of date” when its actually displayed, so the current state is already different to what you see.

As said by others too, a higher refresh rate improves input polling and inputs are more accurate to what is actually done and feel therefor more responsive

Then again this all might be different if you have vsync or any adaptive sync enabled.

For me personally it’s a pain to play any competitive game under 100 fps.
But casual games I have no problem with it dipping lower, but I still prefer quantity over quality when it comes to the frames

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as someone who plays on both, albiet for different genres I stick to singleplayer games for pc mostly but there is a different… now that added big cost for pc makes me think it might not be worth it

“PC is more likely to have unstable FPS which is really gross to look at. Though for some reason people brag I have 120+ FPS when what they mean to say is I have 80 stable FPS. Chances are they’re going for 1337 BiG nUmBeRs ECKS DEE XD instead of actual stability. Or prettiness. Then they complain-brag about their big numbers not being cool enough for them.”

I mean, possibly, but you’re making a statement that is largely moot when there’s no way to tell just how many players are affected in that regard. I know I’m not wondering how many are bragging about their FPS max but suffer from instability. Just a weird thing to consider.

Placebo effect can be pretty crazy. There’s stories of doctors back in like the 40s who would give their cancer patients water pills and tell them it was a new drug that would cure their cancer and it did.


Thank you, your explaination made me feel a bit better XD

When you switch to PC the first thing you realise is how much better the game looks and feels, it’s like being able to see for the first time. The colours, the scenery… clarity on screen down to the tiniest details on the map… Then you realise you’re still terrible and regret spending the extra £20 for the PC version.

Xbox one player here as well, this is a thing that happens on PC?

I have an Xbox one S (which supports 4k) and a 4k TV so I get pretty good frames, but 100+ sounds bonkers.

This is the reason i gave up on consoles back when sega genesis was still a thing.
I’ve prided myself on my custom computers for years.
I have a 165hz MSI monitor now but actually prefer my older 144hz.
Everytime i hop on a customer build and run benchmarks before handing it over it feels really weird because most want 4k/60 panels. It just feels like the system is lagging…at least visually hehe.

But yea dude. Get on that high refresh rate gaming. You won’t go back!

I don’t understand computers and hate using them… I can barely handle the controls on Terraria lmao

I was born with an N64 present and I don’t think I can ever not be a console gamer. I’ve tried, but I’m always more comfortable with a controller than KB+M



The human eye can only process about 30-60 frames per second.

It takes a bit to get used to. Dunno ive always felt more “in control” with m/kb.
I suppose it’d be like me on console today. I’d get my butt kicked lol.

Ive used 144hz for so long that when I accidentally end up in 60hz I’m instantaneously like “EW wth is wrong with my internet? Did my settings break?”

From my experience. 30 to 60 was a pretty big change. 60 to 144 was a huge change and anything over 144 is basically diminishing returns. As in the change is more gradual the higher you go from there. Its there just not as noticeable an upgrade as other jumps.

Side note anything below 120 frames gives me horrible stomach pains and vertigo with a mild case of polio usually resulting in my own death.

I used to play on 20-30 FPS, because I was too broke for anything else. After upgrading, I’m on a solid 69(nice)-70 FPS, and it’s pretty good. I’d like to go higher sometime, but I don’t particularly need to.

I feel for anyone going 30 or lower. It’s hard. It’s also the reason Mercy is my top hero.