What's happened to the cinematics and story?

Exactly. Now I only play this game because of FOMO. I’m worried that I’ll never get a chance to earn skins again. And look, if the lore, the charm, all of that, if it’s all being fed to the dogs, I can’t enjoy it. I try my hardest to, but it’s just getting frustrating. I feel like I have to play Overwatch and it’s a deed I have to fulfill. I am forced to be loyal, but inside, it is not easy to be that kind of person.

Overwatch 1 was so forgiving. Events came back on a one-per-year basis, and thanks to just so how amazing loot boxes were, we just had to play to win. And it’s fine if we missed out back then. Now, guess what? You have to earn dollar signs. It is ridiculous.

And because Blizzard wanted $, they wanted to be acquired by Microsoft. That decision was even worse. Why? They laid off their narrative team. See? It’s poor choices and a disregard for a community that was nurtured years ago, but right now is just being drawed in with us having no choice. Now, they’re trying to focus on making it about entertainment, appealing to the Asian audiences (cartoon-style animations, anime-style voice actors with Xanthe Huynh, lack of lore, K-Pop collabs), bringing other franchises in that ruin the game, and deciding that it’s not worth listening to an upset player base.

Just blame the free to play model, and especially the darn Fortnite game for starting the trend in the first place. Perhaps Blizzard fell into their trap…


Here is a challenge: try to get as many people as we can on this conversation. And if anyone that comes in here has a contact with a Blizzard employee in Team 4, and I know it’s a long shot: tell them our message, and ask them to share it directly to the developers in person. There is zero disregard for Overwatch 1 and how they did things back then, and the story and cinematics have been thrown into the trash. Tons of stuff that made Overwatch memorable for us. Why? We are being ignored. There’s no way to contact ANYONE directly on the developer team. They keep saying our feedback is valuable, and where on earth do we share feedback? We actually can’t. It’s so hard to just get a post seen.

Please do your part, guys. :slight_smile:

Graph must go up! Cinematic made graph go down, is bad!
Skin recolor made graph go up slightly, make many many is good!

Canceled just like the pve.

They may still keep making cinematics for heroes or waste them on dumb things like the kpop collab video.

Here is your story - you paid for low quality product and executives pocketed most of that money. The end.

Here we go with the again with the Hanamura propaganda :roll_eyes:
When will the whiny liberal :robot: omnic clank heads stop on blabbering on the internet :rage:

Sometimes hero should die to become legend

Why bother doing anything requiring actual effort when they can instead keep selling crappy skin bundles at the cost of full games (and idiots keep rewarding them)? ROI be good that way. OW is a f2p FOMO machine now, entirely revolving around the shop. No interest for any cinematics unless they are solely created for some collab advertisement or other such junk.