It’s becoming a problem. The Mercy Feedback Thread is getting mass flagged, forcing it to auto-close every 7 hours. This toxic behavior of false flagging a thread is against TOS, isn’t it?
So… uh hey, you guys there in charge going to do anything about that or…?
Irrelevant. The Feedback thread is there for all feedback considering Mercy, and it’s been used for just that. Just because a few people think it’s spam doesn’t give them a right to close it. It’s false flagging, and against TOS.
Closing it makes no sense, and just encourages people to “spam” new threads in the forums that would otherwise be in the feedback thread.
And “their opinion is just as equal as yours?” So breaking TOS is just “opinion” now? So should we just false flag every thread that we don’t like “because it’s our opinion?” Doesn’t seem like a narrow-minded thought process at all. /s
More than a few considering its getting closed multiple times.
Also you need to keep in mind all the threads outside the megathread are getting rightfully flagged for spam, they get merged and the “count” of flags goes up causing it to close (which is what I think is happening)
Yes it is on Blizzard though Harrowed.
Should they make it immune to flags? sure as long as you keep the “spam” in the megathread so we don’t have to see it, but even when its open there are multiple Mercy threads every day…
Except… The Feedback thread itself is getting flagged for spam as well, so that defeats the purpose of merging threads and keeping it open for discussion.
It’s fine to not want spam, but don’t turn around and say that the mercy threads are spam, if there’s no other place for them to have their discussions.
Mmm i’ll word it differently.
Threads outside the Megathread get flagged for spam.
Blizzard merge said threads into Megathread.
Megathread flag count goes up causing it to get locked.
That is what I think is happening (I’m sure the Megathread itself is getting flagged though, I just don’t think its the main cause)
The Feedback thread is getting locked without threads being moved / merged as well.
So it’s not just the merging that is causing it to lock. People are flagging the thread itself as spam and forcing it to close. There’s posts about people saying “The thread is open again” and then it gets locked once again. No merge was done before that happened, so people are actively false flagging the pinned Mercy Feedback Thread just to troll.
Not false flagging though when many concider it spam.
Just because its pinned, doesn’t exclude it from being classes as spam.
You may think it does, doesn’t make it so till Blizzard say so.
You may think all the nerf/buff threads are spam, do you flag them?
Where’s your proof that “many consider it spam”, you keep saying that as if it’s fact. Who are you to speak for those people? Are you in charge of the “false flagging committee?” If not, then I would refrain from making assumptions on things that I’m not a part of.
The fact is this. The Mercy Feedback Thread is an official thread made by Blizzard to allow disccusion on Mercy. If you don’t like it, don’t view the thread. Flagging it as spam is against TOS, as it is false flagging. Flagging based on “an opinion” is irrelevant, and does not justify as “flagging for spam”. That’s abuse of the flagging system.
Flagging for spam is for topics that aren’t relevant to the game. Flagging a thread that the mods made so people CAN discuss a hero is not how the flagging system is to be used. That’s false flagging. Period.
The fact that it keeps getting closed (along with other Mercy threads) proves it spam at this point. Even with the Megathread open, the Mercy mains spam threads outside. We’ve been putting up with it for a long time now and the threads keep on coming.
You use the excuse of the Megathread is a dumping ground for not posting in it. That’s spam my friend.
(when I say you, i mean people who posts threads outside)
If you could stay INSIDE the megathread (when its open) it would be a different story, but you can’t.
Show where flagging for spam is against the TOS. Thanks.
Also keep in mind the Megathread is the same crap going round and round in circle, a combination of mass res and earnable res, there are no new ideas. It is literally spamming the same stuff over and over. Everything that can be said, has been said there is no discussion to have anymore on current version of Mercy.
I haven’t been to the megathread at all because I feel like any place on the internet is better than there, however, I do spam other Mercy spam threads. What can they say that hasn’t already been said a million times over?
So your solution is to put it upon yourself to flag every Mercy thread as spam, whether it’s constructive or not. Is that correct? If yes, then what would be holding people from flagging any post as spam? People have been putting up with “Nerf _____”, “Buff ____”, “I’m Leaving”, “The problem with X mains” threads as well. Just because you don’t like something, doesn’t give you the right to forcibly silence other people you don’t agree with. What you think as spam or not is irrelevant if those threads are not actually breaking TOS.
Abusing the Reported Post feature by sending false alarms or nonsensical messages
That includes abusing the report / flagging button.
That’s an incorrect way to use the word “you”, what you mean to say is “they”.
Also fun fact. Mods = / = forum users. What the forum users think isn’t always 100% aligned with what the mods set as rules. There are ways to disagree with someone without breaking the rules and being toxic.
That is a completely narrow-minded opinion to have. I’ve seen way more topics being discussed than those two thing’s you’ve mentioned. I would suggest actually reading the megathread before making such a non-informed statement. Once again, your opinion = / = fact. Just because YOU don’t like what is discussed there doesn’t make it spam. Stop thinking that your opinions are fact.