What's a main support and what's an off support hero?

for my understanding
main support: mercy , ana , lucio
off support: zen, moira

since that’s how the pros typically run their supports

Remove Lucio from main. Add Moira possibly (up for debate)

Basically if they can’t save a tank at low health in a hurry then they are off heals.

Lucio has speed boost to make up for crap heals

Main supports are the ‘big’ heals, like Moira Ana Mercy. They output enough healing to mostly keep teams alive.

Off supports don’t have enough healing to solo keep teams alive and instead offer some form of utility. Zen’s damage, Lucio’s Speed, Brig’s Armor.


Huh, and here I thought it was;

Main: Mercy, Ana, Moira

Off Support: Zen, Lucio, Brigitte.

Sure the pros ran Lucio/Zen because of their utilities-Speed Boost and Discord.

Main support: Mercy Ana Moira
Off support: Zen Lucio Brig

Main supports kits are centred around high healing output

Off supports kits have healing as an ability but are usually chosen for another supportive trait. For Lucio its his speed boost and zeb his Discord orb. Brig her ability shutdown dive and mobile flankers.


Nah, Lucio is an off-healer, having two off-healers is fine.

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That’s was I said though…

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but why would the pros run 2 off supports in zen and lucio back in the OG dive meta …? doesn’t make sense since they don’t do much healing I thought u always needed a main support.

Two off can fill the spot and provide the needs speed of dive.

Damage DPS: Doomfist, Genji, McCree, Pharah, Reaper, Soldier 76, Tracer, Bastion, Hanzo, Junkrat, Torbjorn,

Utility DPS: Sombra, Widowmaker, Mei

Main Tank: Reinhardt, Orisa, Winston

Off Tank: Roadhog, D.va, Zarya, Briggite

Main Support: Mercy, Ana, Moira

Off Support: Lucio, Zenyatta

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I would disagree with hog , hog is like in a class of his own imo he’s hardly an offtank. I see him more as a bruiser.

“Huh, and here I thought it was” sounded to me like you thought you were incorrect.

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Winston as main tank lol. Protect you team with him, I dare you. That 600 hp shield is nothing

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Lucio and mercy are main support, ana zen and moira are off support.

Hog is a damage-negater and disrupter

he is a main tank…specifically in dive.

Any hero with a shield is a main tank, doesn’t mean they have to be a frontliner.

Ahh lol more of the a joke on how people think Lucio is a Main Support and Moira as an off one.

I’m a Lucio main and I know he’s an off support-but provides really good utility.

All good though

Oy, my head . . .

Really . . .

If you don’t take much damage you don’t need much healing. You dive in, get a pick, target someone else, after which you steamroll the team. Greater amounts of healing was only better for long and drawn out fights like back when Ana and the tanks were meta.