What you should really know when you are below plat

  1. Microphone turns your solo toxic experience back into a team game with cooperation.
    a) You are less prone to tilting and you are more responsible of how you interact with your teammates.
    b) It’s easier to coordinate and ESPECIALLY as a tank it’s vital to be in control of the flow of your team. A main tank above all is almost useless if he cannot coordinate himself or the rest of the team to push at the same time or focus the same target. Even simple things like sharing ult charge, ability CDs and your or enemy relative position gives an immense edge to your team over the other.
  2. Understand that if your not grandmaster or master it’s useless to get triggered at others and be too serious about competitive. The enemy team is bad, your team is bad and most importantly, you are bad. If you cannot consistently hit your abilities in ranks so low and common then it means you are an average Joe. Be smart, be humble and use your time better than obsessing yourself with stupid standards that are unrealistic. If you integrate point 2. to point 1. you may not become a goat but at least you will be a pleasurable player that anyone would like to play with and support.
  3. Understand that an average guy cannot spend enough time to perfect his skills to the level of pro players. That is true for you and other players too. Also the players that are top notch had a crazy amount of familiarity with the game within the first hours of gameplay, both instinctively and due to previous game experiences. They maybe more adaptable than you and more comfortable performing very complex combos or coordinated actions. You are getting pissed at people playing soccer in the backyard the same way Neymar would do with his own peers. You are a go kart dude trying to steer the wheel as hard and precisely as a F1 driver and you keep spinning and embarrassing yourself. Be humble and know yourself. Understand that to get even a small but safe advantage is much better than taking stupid risks. So act accordingly. Grinding works yes, but like a percentage boost: if you are working with a flat learning curve the boost is negligible. Perhaps an average player benefits more from short sessions of gameplay, where he can use the focus from a fresh mind to be more creative and relaxed than the rest of the guys. The more you play the worst you perform if you are low rank. You will tilt, you will be tired and you will maybe start doing things in auto mode. Take pauses at least and don’t go beyond 3 hours a day. You can spend your life better than being an awful overwatch player no one will remember.
  4. Try to warm up. Stretch your muscle memory like legs before jogging, unless you want to make pathetic mistakes that will make you look stupid and will tilt you and the whole team. And if you lose the first you are more prone to lose the second. Most of loss steaks are biased by the bad mood that traps your mind. It’s easy to give up when you played garbage rein the last game and you wanna prove yourself you are good but team wants an Orisa. It’s an instatilt and the match starts already on a disadvantage and the worst one: you.
  5. Be in control of yourself, quit controlling others. It just doesn’t work. It’s not even required to learn new techs or complicated strategies. You just need focus on what you are doing and purpose. Your mind can’t catch up if you are busy complaining about that braindead Hog feeding so do better than him and carry him, otherwise deserve your lost of SR.
  6. SR is a number and a bad one. Generally, it’s pretty accurate at spotting where you sit as a player in the skill curve but it’s also bad at telling you if you are improving at the game and how consistent you are. Unless you wanna take a sheet of paper and calculate all of your SR and determine if you are under or over performing, take it easy and be smart: barely reaching plat doesn’t make you plat, making up that 20 SR to reach 2.4 doesn’t make you better than 2.3 and also, the fact that game can easily match up people within 200-300 SR gives you an idea of how inconsistent both players and the system is. Don’t let this inconsistency force you to prove things. In the grand scheme of things your rank is useless and life is short. I’d be ashamed if I spent my weekend grinding, reaching a stupid rank but failing as a human being. If you use overwatch as a shield to avoid real life then get help from people around you. If you are there for the fun, well, unplug everything when you get no fun. Easy.

I wish you all best and I hope you a nice and responsible time on overwatch competitive mode.


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Nice post. You can say the same thing for any rank really, as long as they are not pros. It’s just a game, enjoy it. If you don’t, stop playing.


Yeah I’m so frustrated by how toxic the community is. Also the whole idea devs should enforce grind it’s dumb. It’s like the are trying to make sugar sweeter and sweeter until game xyz hits the market with a new flavour and no one can be bothered to get insanely boring and monotonous taste with overwatch.

Yeah I blame the grind too. It just gets boring after a while and people naturally get tilted. Playing this game in a friendly environment vs playing solo is so different like they are totally different games. Unfortunately not everyone have enough friends playing ow to experience that and that’s why I’ve been wanting a clan system in this game since forever.

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That’s why i highlighted the importance of getting a mic. This game is social that’s why it’s so popular with both genders and that’s why it’s also unfortunately very toxic when said communication doesn’t take place. I don’t have figures or know stats but I bet that matches where at least one guy is talking have less chance for a toxic outcome, unless the guy on the mic is a toxic scum bag or a tilted boi. I just understood I am learning nothing by merely playing and I can’t be bothered with training and learning stats and it’s no big deal if I am gold or plat but I want to have fun that’s for sure.

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One of my friends was complaining while we were in qp last night that. " His retarded Sig player cost him a comp game."

My friend is mid gold btw. He described a perfect death blossom he had planned, just when he popped it, his Sigma ulted and pulled them all up to safety.

I asked if there was a bug on him…

The jist of it is, neither of them were in comms and they both screwed up and the other team didn’t die and that was the end of ot. So use voice, nobody can read your mind to be in on your brilliant plan, especially over the internet.