I’ve seen a lot of disappointment from Reinhardt and Ana players in particular lately, as they feel their favorite heroes have been neglected by the developers (who knows, maybe they’re discussing these heroes right now, and we just don’t know it). I also see some people mention there is often no reason to pick McCree when there are just plain better dps options that fill a similar role.
I think Rein players are frustrated just by how easily he can be countered and how quickly his shield can be destroyed.
I think Ana players want to be rewarded more for their actions like other main healers are, especially considering her difficulty including no mobility and barely any self sustain.
And I think McCree players want something done to just make him a little more powerful/make his life a little easier, while keeping his high skill ceiling. I think most of them feel that his combat roll is lackluster.
I want to ask the people who play any of these three heroes, what would you want the devs to change about them?
I’d be frustrated as a Rein main because Brigitte can make him useless and provides a greater threat than he does, half the time. I’d make it so Rein has a passive that makes him immune to stuns / CC as long as he has armor. Or reduce his damage as long as his shield is up.
For Ana, as someone who has tried to pick her up (I want to be decent with most supports) don’t like how stationary she is compared to EVERY OTHER HEALER. Ana needs something to move or reduce threat. She’s a sitting duck. I think she needs a wallclimb or something like that (maybe if she uses grenade on herself it’ll give her 0 gravity jump?) because she is currently a sniper who is stuck on the ground. No me gusta. I’d also give her headshot capabilities and reduce the cooldown on her grenade.
Also her Ult needs to do something for her. She is the only support who has an ult that does nothing for her. I’d suggest it powers up her AND her ally. It would be fair.
I can’t suggest anything for McCree as I don’t play him too much, but I do feel like he should get 2 charges on his roll ability.
I actually thought McCree was fine myself, but I have seen a lot of people say he needs something changed to keep up with other heroes. I think his dodge cooldown could definitely be reduced a bit. Maybe even give him extra damage on the first shot after dodging. But I don’t play him as much as other people. I want to know what McCree players think, which includes you, and I’ll remember that you said he’s fine. He very well may be just fine.
buff either the damage on Ana’s dart or give impact damage to her nade so she can be a more reliable threat to tracer, reduce nade cooldown, or increase projectile speed
let Mccree either dodge twice for 3 shots each or give more mobility to it like shadowstep in destiny
Vertical mobility of some sort — something that’ll allow her to jump up onto a ledge above or get out of the way from a push – perhaps borrow a pair of wrist rockets from her daughter to boost her up.
A self heal of her own — something that’ll free up her grenade to use on someone other than herself. Perhaps give her rifle the ability to heal her a few hp’s per unspent dart cartrige on reloads.
Her primary problem is survivability. She has a hard time staying alive when the opposing team fields dive heroes (which is pretty much EVERY game these days). In the past year the game steadily changed on her while she stayed mostly the same — a nerfed hero.
First she was directly hard nerfed to break her contribution to the Tank meta.
Then the Tanks she protected were themselves nerfed for the same reason. That hurt their abilities to peal for her.
Then dive movement ranges were increased to allow the high mobility heroes to easily bypass the tank line into the back end. That left her open to direct harassment.
Then two extra dive heroes were introduced into the game (Sombra and Doomfist). That gave her more hard counters than she needed.
Then shields were either added to the game (Orissa, Symmetra and now Brigitte) or shored up (Winston and Reinhardt) to deal with all the added burst damages. These completely block her shots and severely hurt her ability to properly heal.
Currently as is her only real self defense is a team built around her with an intent to watch out and protect her. Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to be the case and she mostly stands alone. Ana’s pretty much an open target if you have the right hero – and there are too many right heroes in this game to counter her hard.
Now if an opposing team fields just one Winston or just one D.VA or two of any other dive hero (one to absorb her sleep and another to take her out) she’s hard-countered. Simply put dead Ana’s can’t heal and at the moment she lacks the tools to keep pace, survive and mitigate having so many counters. Today’s Ana has NO mobility to save herself. Today’s Ana crawls while too many of her enemies practically fly.
Vertical mobility gives her a little of something for each of her issues…
It allows her to take cover for self defense – by simply stepping back a few paces and using the floor as a shield.
It allows her to heal body blocked friendlies by affording her better angles to shoot at their heads.
It gives her better options on dealing with shields by offering better lines of sight around them.
It offers her better chances on dealing with dive – since fewer enemies will likely come at her all at once.
Ana’s a sniper and her daughter’s a rocketeer. As such the tech already exists for her. Give her a pair of wrist rockets from Pharah that’ll boost her ability to jump up one floor — same as the the StarCraft reaper unit has; same as the astronauts in the movie Interstellar have. Plus vertical mobility is what they alluded she’d have in her original introduction video here…
Reinhardt - Fix Bugs
McCree - allow him to hold down the roll button to continue rolling for a second or two.
Sleep Dart:
Put a damage threshold on sleep dart for waking (say 20)
As soon as it lands on the the enemy they are completely immune to damage for a split second but unable to move/do anything but go to sleep.
This way anybody that was shooting the target at the exact same time she was sleeping them doesn’t wake them just because their bullets were in the air at the time of sleeping.
Turrets don’t target a sleeping opponent.
Regenerates health if out of combat for 2 seconds
Nanoboost can be applied to self (for FFA)
Can’t say anything about Rein since I don’t play him that often, nor do I have enough expierience with him to make a verdict.
McCree needs to get is flashbang fixed as it’s extremely inconsistent at times.
Or is it just me, has anybody else expierienced this issue where sometimes you’d try to FB someone right infront of you yet they didn’t get stunned and at other times, either you or the enemy, would use FB from quite a far distance and a hitbox similar to that of a Tank and stun someone?
For Ana I’ve had these two ideas in my mind for quite some time.
1.) A passive ability called Ledge Grab, which allows her to grab on to ledges and climb them up that are within her regular and jump height.
Giving her a bit more mobility as well as allowing her to move around the map a bit more freely.
2.) Ana should be able to heal herself by 30% if she heals a teammate, 60% if said teammate is under the effect of a friendly Bio Grenade.
This would also reduce the need to use her Nade on herself or rather waste it, as it’s quite a powerful tool and better used on your team or the enemy, than having to waste it on yourself since Ana has no other current methods of self healing.