What would you like to see in the next ptr patch

I’ve seen a lot of people talk about the next ptr patch and what will be on it, so i decided to talk about it too. What would YOU like too see next?

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I’ve seen a lot of people request nerfs but I would like to see heroes getting buffed and not just nerf every good option we currently have, we want more heroes to play not less


People right now are mostly worrying about Lúcio being nerfed and Orisa Sigma being left alone. So maybe that will come through next patch :thinking:

QOL changes for Ashe and Hog.

Rework for Phara.

Hanzo murdered.


Sigma, Orisa, and Baptiste buffs, because the nerfs were WAY overdone

Lateral shift in Mei’s kit

And uhhh let’s say a lil something for Bastion, Pharah, and/or Sombra


Mei wall changes, and maybe some kind of minor buff for Sigma. Preferably for his shield’s recharge rate.

EDIT: Oh, and I’d really love it if Soldier: 76 would get a QoL change that’d finally allow him to reload while sprinting.

New map, Blizzard World 2

This time it’s just the main Blizzard campus.


1)Mei nerf because she is in 95% of OWL games.

2)McCree little nerf for the same reason and because

3° I want Ashe to be good in OWL ! So please up her a bit, like faster firerate or higher damages on normal shot. Or why not cooldown reduction.
I know she is quite balanced actually but I am not playing the game currently because of my studies, so the pro level is the only point that matters to me at the moment.

  1. Hero 32
  2. Hero 32
  3. Hero 32
  4. Sigma barrier buff
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New hero
:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:


Baptise buff
Orisa buff

Nothing gamebreaking but they need some love.

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Sombra buffs to… Stealth and translocator, maybe reverts on translocator and hack too. Or just bug fixes (wait what are those lmao)


Mei’s wall reworked into 3 pillars at 500 hp each instead of 5 pillars at 400 hp each.


Reinhardt, Dva, Mei, McCree and Lucio’s changes.

I bet that would turn this forum in a funny show.

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Sombra dmg buff
Orisa dmg reverted
Symm turrets reload faster
Junk granades size reverted to 0.3
Widowmaker oneshot reverted to 0.8 seconds but dmg reduced to 245 on head
Hanzo headshot reduced to 195
Mercy ultimate healing 80 hps
Soldiers ultimates fire increased 10% speed and no needing reload while ult
Lucio ult faster to hit the ground
Ana sleep dart duration reduced to 5 sec instead 6


Baptiste just needs some firepower back, or maybe ultimate charge. His healing is actually where it should be now.

Sigma and Orisa can go rot for a while longer, thanks. If their durability or barriers are improved then Halt/Rock need more nerfs.

Mei wall should have a single column so it stops being the best barrier in the game by such a large margin. I find complaints about ice block or her primary fire overblown, though; it’s just the wall that needs changes.

-i want to see mei nerfed in either her wall or her ult.
-i want to see either Orisa and Sigma’s standard tanking ability buffed or Reinhardt nerfed.
-Slight buffs to genji, soldier, torb and winston. Like not major buffs but just little ones.

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What else is there to nerf about Accretion?

It should not stun at point blank at all.

Why not? It stuns Sigma longer than it stuns the target and deals self-damage at point blank range. It already hinders him more than it hinders the opponent.