What would Symm be in OW2?

She needs a new ult. A hard-light disco ball that shoots lasers everywhere.

I’d say a faster travel speed for her turrets while they’re airborne and a slightly longer beam would probably do wonders for her. I remember really liking her faster turrets in the April Fool’s experimental.

And fix those darn bugs where your teleporter just breaks sometimes

We don’t know if her healing will be changed.
But I agree. Moira has her fade (-> mobility) and orb (-> range) on top of her primary fire to get value but she still struggles a lot in high mobility comps.

I don’t know why people want a healing beam for Sym. Just look at Mercy and Moira. How do they compensate for having low range?
They have mobility, survivability and abilities which extend the effective range.
Will Sym have similar skills to do so as well? No.
She would end up hunting her own team mates 24/7 because she can’t reach them consistently. Which is boring af.

And even if she becomes a healing support she should not become a main healer.

They think its cute for “The Queen” to heal. I assure you, if they go that route Sym will be relegated to trash forever as a Support. At best, at very best, she should have an alternate to Wall which is a healing station, that’s it.

I legit did. And if you’re struggling with uptime, you should consider watching some higher ranked sym players. Also don’t play her on her bad maps obviously.
Plenty of people can get value out of current sym just fine

I disagree but we’ll have to see.

No? But sym doesn’t only have one short ranged gun does she?

Ok but what more do you want? She’s going to be a survivable mid range/long range high healing support with decent mobility. What you seem to be wanting is an extremely survivable, high range, high damage, high everything support.

>me: explains how objectively sym has poor tools for uptime as she’s legit low in every parameter (effective range, sustain, mobility and burst) amongst the cast
>you: “jUSt pLaY beTTeR. it’S a YoU ProBLem”


I legit gave you a mathematical proof of how bad sym orbs are at range.

again, do you consider genji shurikens or junkrat primary to be long ranged just because you can spam them far? obvs not. why? because they so inconsistent at range that you wouldn’t do much at all from that far as is the case with sym orbs, just like all those shorter ranged hitscans.

ideally I’d want to remain as dps and blizz actually pulling through with making her better as a dps (orbs renumbered around being faster moving projectiles, tp betters as self mobility by letting sym herself be able to interact with it sooner unlike her team + a better cd mechanic on tp for self mobility).

with your design, she’s not going to be very survivable at all given lack of escapes, her sources of sustain pretty much is either a barrier that’d only give like 1s or so of cover at best when engaged and/or shield gen which she needs to charge up.

whether she has enough mobility in a OW2 setting is highly questionable esp given

  1. you seem adamant on around 15m effect heal range despite the mobility creep that’s coming to the other roles
  2. you seem to also want her to be switch between heal and damage beams often, which even if you did make the damage beam longer, there is still the problem that sym still has to anchor herself closer to allies to be able to heal them on demand

all in all amalgamating to the overall problem of “play her in deathball rush and actually actively deathball around her or nothing” which legit solves nothing.

and this hasn’t even gone into the fun factor yet which’d also be questionable because from the looks of it, the majority of this design’s gameplay will literally be “walk around chasing teammates or enemies with wasd and beaming them”.

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Because people assume that healing will make Sym as good as she was in 2.0 since she ‘‘was a support’’ then (hint: she wasnt).

‘‘just look at [streamer I wont name]’’ hasnt never been a really good argument.

You can mimick GM Sym strats all you want but most of them are much reliant on the player quality and coordination of your team to a point its simply not viable to expect them from randos in 99.9% of the ladder.

In the end those standards arent expected for other heroes to excel much less function, except Symmetra (and to a lesser degree, Sombra).

Yes. And I’m not interested in biased “reasons” which are crazy theoretical scenarios. I mean, you made it sound like TP, one of the best abilities in the game was bad. That’s all I needed to hear.

Yes. She’s mostly a close ranged hero with her TP to move her around the map. She can still spam from range, etc. What you seem to be doing is thinking of a scenario where syms played on havana (Most of your examples were in a scenario where you seem to be playing from havan 3rd point attack spawn room). Again, that’s a you problem, not a hero problem. But even still, you can spam at barriers (easily), tanks, or you can pressure snipers by throwing orbs at them.

God how many escapes do you want? Zen has literally 0 escapes, 0 defenses. Sym will have a 25m range 100dps beam with a teleporter as an escape, plus a personal barrier for self protection, and a skinny hitbox + 225hp.

because it is bad as self mobility :man_shrugging: like why the hell do you think OWL only plays her in rush deathballs? like if was actually good for self mobility, why is sym not played in more spread out comps+strats?

heck I didn’t even bring up scenarios at all except for orbs and turrets to demonstrate why it’s highly inconsistent to consider turrets and orbs as things to claim sym as anything but short ranged.

the simple fact of the matter is that it absolutely has one of the highest down times of the mobility abilities, and it absolutely does have a long wind up which most mobility abilities in the game simply don’t have.

just because you can give mobility to teammates, doesn’t mean it’s necessarily good mobility for the user to get uptime.

Most other abilities and sym’s old 3.0 finite tp:

timeline of cd:            |-------------------------------|
timeline of getting value: |+++++++++++| ability down time |

Sym’s current infinite tp:

timeline of cd:                        |-------------------------------|
timeline of getting value: |+++++++++++|       ability down time       |

and that’s actually an oversimplified diagram because if you have tp up and you’re not using it (i.e not simply waiting for internal interact cd but like actually waiting for god knows how long to actually make use of it like with most insurance tps or the worst offender, spawn tps) that is also down time because it’s stuck somewhere else or stuck for some other purpose that isn’t needed right now.

like atm she’s not zipping around as much as you think. esp if you take into account how putting tp up purely for teammates (e.g. high ground tp for them) most likely means you not having that tp for your own mobility.

  1. again, spam doesn’t mean they’re not short ranged. again, do you think junkrat or genji are not short ranged just because he can spam at longer ranges?
  2. legit I didn’t provide a scenario at all
  3. if you need a lot of corners to hide most of the trajectory to make it less reactively dodgable for it to land, how is this not demonstrating that it is in fact not long ranged?

ah yes it’s totally my fault that the projectile is so slow that it’s so easily dodgable in most ranges despite the projectile size. silly me, let me just go into the source code and adjust that and deploy that to live. /s

ah yes and I suppose you’re going to say it’s my fault that the orb spam is actually low damage as it is
120 damage / (1s charge time + 0.25s wind down) = 96dps < a bodyshotting mercy of 100dps.
silly me :clown_face: /s

sure if you want to suicide considering they have about the same firerate as your orbs meanwhile their shots are far more consistent at range + sym’s hit headbox is legit huge.
oh silly me, I forgot, any con in sym’s numbers or kit is obviously the player’s fault :clown_face: /s

and he’s just going to do swimmingly in OW2 with

  • 1 less tank in comps,
  • the only remaining tank is likely going to be pushing harder (including possible opposing dive tanks),
  • cc (significant peel tool) is getting nerfed/reworked away for most heroes, and
  • non-supports are generally getting mobility crept

:clown_face: /s

how long would the cd be? what’s the cd mechanic? what’s the cast time? because if you’re force to have to use it to catch up with teammates all the time, you obvs won’t have it for an escape.

and again, barrier (if it works like old photon barrier) simply isn’t an escape. how old barrier wasn’t an escape was because you throw it, it blocks like a shot or 1 ability, and then it quickly flies through the threat (esp if they walked forward or used any mobility ability) and then now you’re back to square one (in danger) as no way you would’ve walked very far by then…

That’s the most broken thing I’ve ever seen on the forums. This would make nanoblade look like a kids wooden sword.

Ok I understand I was too passive-aggressive before, my bad.
But until you start listing her real strengths and stop being a negative nancy for sym, then we have nothing to discuss about sym. I ain’t going over those extremely biased reasons, because I know, and the devs know sym has major strengths.

You’re kinda like those people who list everything OP about a hero except no weaknesses to them but the opposite.

Basically, until you start being reasonable we have nothing more to discuss.

Don’t worry, our amazing developers have no idea either :slight_smile:

>expecting someone to talk about how great their strengths are for a hero that objectively has little while that someone is raising valid concerns about the hero’s uptime


her orbs legit are bad sustain damage as shown by their dps. they’re only saving grace is 120 damage per projectile to potentially be burst but is objectively and quite clearly overshadowed by how drastically inconsistent it is to land in most ranges despite orb size all due to how ridiculously slow it is. so no, you can not use that to claim sym doesn’t have low range.

Sure her tp can go up to 30m in 1 jump and sure it can take teammates with her. but we’re talking about how sym gets uptime to damage. whether you can send teammates 30m or to even mars is irrelevant to how sym gets in and out of her effective range. and when you look at the things that actually matter for self mobility for uptime (e.g. down time, delays, etc.) it legit doesn’t look good for tp.
heck, only other mobility ability that has as long min cd that comes to mind rn is widow’s hook and that’s on a hero who has one of the longest effective range in the game, not to mention the fact that hook has much less delay and can probs travel 30m depending on angle for momentum mechanics.

you may argue “oh but you can go back and forth”, but that’s “balanced” out by:

  • being destructible
  • only applicable to 2 static points (entrances) which make it telegraphed where you’re going and forces you to commit to only those 1~2 areas
    • and if your team moves somewhere else (which will be more often in OW2 with brawly tanks + mobility creep + 1 less tank), you will need to relocate or repurpose tp.

like when you simply rank all the heroes in each of the parameters in range, mobility, sustain and burst, sym will objectively result in being on the low side in all of them.

I want turrets attachable on players