What would save Overwatch?

What would be required from Blizzard to not only save the interest of all their players but also even grow the community again? I’d like to hear your ideas about this.

My idea: Release more heroes!!! Like, twice as many!

Please note that I think it’s important that they spend the same amount of time on each hero that they already do, because they cannot compromise on the quality. So they’d have to double the hero development resources for this, obviously.

Here’s why I think this is a good idea:

  1. As an average player, I LOVE when they release new heroes. I love trying them, and I love to see what new cool team comps come out of it.
  2. The meta would change faster. You’d see a lot of changes in the pro scene, and the best teams would be the ones that can adapt the best, and be the most versatile.
  3. The quicker we get more heroes, the quicker we can look into new, fascinating, variety-creating features like hero bans.

While doubling the resources for the hero development team may sound drastic, I believe that now when they’re shutting down so many other departments (like HotS), now is the time to do it. And I do truly believe that it will net them a profit.


For me, it would be to start appealing to everyone and not just the 1% / pro-scene / OWL. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Not to be a bother to you, but I think the exact opposite would help. They need to polish what they already have before introducing new game-changing things. If you just keep adding faulty segments to a building, it’s not going to improve the value of it. :neutral_face:


More frequent changes will be enough imo

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start pumping out new heroes like its nobodies buisness not every hero needs an animated short/over the top intro a comic or short story is perfectly fine


Gm/OWL has a patch or 2 thrown its way and now they only cater to them lmao

Part of the problem is there are so few cogs and gears to tweak and alter that an alteration to one can cause another one to fail. if there were multiple cogs and gears filling a similar role then a failure is less likely. the more heroes they have to tweak the better and the easier it becomes to balance heroes.

Take rein for example hes not overpowered at all but he is 100% crucial to most maps and compositions and so some people want him nerfed but he isent to powerful its just nobody else can fill the same space he takes as well.

Eh, maybe, but I’ve never seen a game come and go as quickly as this one. I’ve also never seen any games add characters so quickly. :thinking: I won’t push on it, though, I guess. :sweat_smile:

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Paladins literally just released a new hero and they have already teased the next one. They arent exactly a bastion of balance but their game is damn fun.

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x5 more hero updates (as in changes, not just bug fixes) and more focus on community feedback (I know they sometimes listen to the feedback, but most of the time they don’t and also add things nobody asked for).

Where were you when Realm Royale came out?! Hahaha

Seriously though, I agree with PVCPrincess. I think that what you’re suggesting (which is, if I understand you correctly, to balance the current game better before releasing new herores) is harder than it seems. It’s easy to be a guy on the forums like you and me and have opinions about what to do to balance the game, but Blizzard is without competition the best at balancing this game, and they’re already doing their best.

And I also firmly believe that regardless of how well you balance it, there’s always gonna be either a rock-paper-scissors meta or one comp that is just slightly better and/or more reliable than every other comp. Therefore, I think it’s a good idea to encourage fast change.

For me, the saving grace is going to be vanilla servers.

Let me play the game exactly how it was when I bought it and I’ll come back without a doubt.



I’m not the best for balancing it, either, but I have a pretty hard time thinking that a company lying in patch notes and punishing players for positivity (not just mass-reported people) is actually giving their products their best efforts.

Role queue. Hero Sr.

events with lore and new gameplay modes so people would have actually a reason to play if they are burn out of the rankeds

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  1. It isn’t, most nerfs/changes are directly in response to the general community , for example, mercy, tracer , doom etc
  2. How would it be a bad thing if it was balanced from the top? Most games do this as the pro scene carries a games hype , and OW is no exception.
  3. The game shoudnt be balanced around lower SR , this would reward low skill with low reward , for example mass rez
  • IMO , role queue would solve a lot of problems.
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Honestly I think that the game started as a casual experience to draw in non-hardcore fps folks, and then with the decision to try to make an eSport has caused no end of issues.

Blizz needs to do a bit of a reset here, but probably cannot afford to.

The game really is a two tier experience, first tier is the more casual, for fun, and the second is the hardcore competitive up to pro scene.

What would make sense is to just admit to this, and stop trying to create one unified experience for everyone. Let’s effectively treat OW as two games.

First is the casual game, with all heroes, all modes, and frankly allowing either a constant skirmish or death-match mode up front along side comp and quick play apart from its being hidden in arcade. Let’s maybe create an SR for a competitive mode here as well for an account.

Second is called something like Pro play, where the rules are a bit different. First is a smaller more skill based set of heroes, with reviews by the community and Blizz to decide if a character should even be allowed in Pro play. This side of the game has it’s own more restricted competitive mode limited to characters that would also be allowed in Pro play and separate SR ranking.

The core problem we have is OW is trying to be all things to all people, and you just cannot effectively do it.

  1. A mini-expansion: Drop 4 maps and 4 heroes and CTF into comp. Make a big publicity splash out of it. The drip effect of heroes and maps don’t get much publicity. Maybe some of the big streams will come back to the game.

  2. Delete Brig. She is just unfun and has made some unfun meta.

  3. Role Q. Let people just hit the Q button knowing that the WILL get to play the class they want, not to HOPE they get to.

  • release map creation tools
  • having a map select option.
  • fix backfill or allow players to turn it off altogether
  • fix mstery heroes
  • fix arcade (remove that huge button and allow more modes as well as rotate others)
  • fix or just outright remove the report system (only leaving cheating)

uh, no. they screw up this game with every time they release a new hero, not to mention that hero tends to be either be UP or OP for weeks … if anything, they need to stop releasing new heroes and get this game back in line first.

Anything that is not more of the same. This game needs more replay value. More things to do, progression system, actually good new modes in the main game and not just for events.

When we get a new map, it is lost in the pool of other maps after the release. Not everyone is going to like every new hero and if it is a counter to their main it can be an annoyance too.

The game also needs complete gameplay overhaul to fix the balance otherwise it will never be balanced while hard counters exists.