What would raise Sym pickrate

i have an idea. make private profiles public again so that we can see better stats figures. asks all the sym mains or sym players not to put their profiles on private.

syms pickrate might have gone down now that she is worse at defending point A however it might have increased now that she is better in using her for attacks. we dont really know.

what does that mean?
overbuff relies on public profiles of players and them putting their names into the system. at best that is an estimation, did i not already say that.

It doesn’t mean anything. She’s a turret hero. She isn’t going to have a high pick rate unless she’s broken op. shrug

Don’t read too much into pick rate.

Sigh. Called it. They really need to move the teleport button to jump.

Not sure what’s going on, but they’ve been making a lot of UI mistakes lately. Symm’s teleporter, swapping primary/secondary fire also swapping confirm/cancel, the recall action on Sombra’s teleporter, Hammond’s slam on crouch… Sombra’s recall action is the only thing they even partially fixed.


Her ult damages enemies passing by xd

Pls read the bottom half of the first post of that link to understand why overbuff data is still very much valid

Not be the most boring hero design of all while having an actual gun that isn’t either a boring version of zarya or just orb spam.

10,000 HP and insta-kills

Tweak dmg output and give her autolock beam back.
Her ult is fine, imo, as is tele as a basic ability. I agree that tele deploying faster would be nice, though.

i did however unless either overbuff or blizzard themselves say those numbers mirror the actual stats.
it still leaves a room for even greater inaccuracies and trying to use data into decimal without that certainty makes it less effective while trying to bring a point across.

Symmetra needs to provide useful support with her buildings. Clearly she’s centered around building costructs that aid her team.

Some changes I’d make would be

-build a tp in spawn and in front of you like her ult but on her E. Instead of her current tp.

Change the shape of her photon barrier. Or just decrease the charge time so it’s a bit more expendable.

Pls explain y u think there r inaccuracies

People picking her would be a strong start.

And do u have any evidence at all she is being played more than before

She is fine as she is.

People have preferences. Because a lot of people don’t play her, doesn’t make her underpowered.

I was making a joke at the expense of the thread title. People picking her would raise her pick rate…

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But it does tho.

In comp, ppl play to win, generally speaking. There is a clear correlation between power and popularity

Perhaps making her beam a hard counter to brig? I know many people who would play her if she just dunked on brig.

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She seems pretty fun right now. I’ve only tried her a couple of times and her positioning is completely different than what it was before but now I’ve even seen her get potgs with some clever stuff. I guess interesting lore and background would raise her pickrate

I find that people who tend to think she’s “fine as is” only have 30 minutes or so of playtime on the new 3.0 rework.

The truth is, she’s not fine. She needs to be tweaked.

Is she passable currently? Sure, you can still be semi effective with her how she is now, taking her weaknesses into account, but why should we have to do that?

Wouldn’t it be better to have a character that isn’t bugged?