What would make you quit OW?

I don’t think “quit” is the right word. A game shouldn’t need to be a “yes” or “no” dedication. But I do find myself playing less and less recently.

If they release new content that appeals to me, I’ll play more. As they push undesirable business practices and the game’s old problems reemerge, I’ll play less.

Nope but i do play WarThunder and yes i know those are P2W

I swear if Q times get long again, or are anywhere near long on launch its not gonna be fun…

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I’m already at the brink, seeing the way we are now treated in OW2. We’re just wallets, not players or fans now.
It’s not enough to buy the battle pass every season, now you have to pay more real moeny for the best skins that they’ll save for the store. And then that won’t be enough, they’ll have even MORE OWL exclusives to make ad revenue… and THAT STILL won’t be enough, because they’ll be doing even more twitch drop exclusives, so the streamers can make money from you.

The OW devs have switched into full predator mode now. All the decent people have and are jumping ship, just like the hero designer a week or two ago.

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This has to be bait. There’s no way you genuinely think that JUST BECAUSE Blizzard changed how you get heroes to a grind-based method (which newsflash, Apex and Valorant already do this in their own ways) they’ll soon give you better weapon ammo or more health. That’s delusional and anyone with a brain can see you’re just hopping on the hate-train.

The heroes are still free, the reason you and everyone else hate it is because of the name “Battle Pass” being attached to how you acquire them. Would it make you feel better if you just have to earn them through grinding XP to unlock them? Or they cost a small amount of in-game currency that’s easily earnable? I’m sure it would! But just because it’s attached to the “Battle Pass” it’s the end of the world, despite the fact that it’s the exact same method of obtaining them. You DO NOT have to buy the BP. It’s just a small xp grind like all other games to unlock these heroes.

So don’t come in here and toss hypotheticals only to say “Now that we know that heroes will be locked behind grindy BPs I wouldn’t be surprised if they did!” because you and everybody else knows what you’re trying to do. No, they won’t make the game P2W. If they did then everyone would quit and they know that. So don’t come up with crazy, outlandish speculations just to stir the hornet’s nest.

Blizzard making us have sms verification…

For PVP, insanely long queue times.

For PVE, cashgrab pricing, game chopped up in 10000000 pieces and shipped 1 at a time and P2W mechanics.

I’d stop if they block heroes or maps behind a paywall (real money), or if they remove the workshop.

they shutdown the franchise.

It’ll be a dead game, lol.

Honestly though they never actually fixed the queue times in the beta.

They have added a support, but i’m worried about next season when the hype dies down for her and theres hype for a tank…

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The only bait here is your useless reply

OW isn’t apex or valorant. Not a good argument.

That’s literally a “what if” case. It’s obviously very unlikely to happen.

All I’m doing is asking others what would make them leave the game, what’s wrong with that again?

No, I hate it because in a game where counterswapping is vital heroes shouldn’t be locked at all.

If OW was like Valorant or Apex then sure, but it’s not.

The word BP has nothing to do with it :joy:

This thread isn’t even about the BP… :man_facepalming:

I’ll do whatever I want. What are you going to do about it?

How do you know? At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if OW became another P2W garbage game like WoT.

I’m going to do more posts like this just because of you!

Thats basically it. If they pull off another Forced something on RQ or whatever and the queues go through the roof, Im out.
Well and of course actual real P2W mechanics.

MH forever gang.

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Maybe a mercy buff I think. Leave her in the ground please. On behalf of every console player who doesn’t abuse how broken she is on console, leave her 6ft deep, thank you.

It’s not even out and I feel like I will already quit it because I hate every single mode that is just not King of the Hill.
Any other mode just forces me to play on the payload or on the checkpoint while KotH is just fun, frenetic, never decided.
Instead when you don’t even reach checkpoint one on a payload map or they reach the end with 7 minutes saved up you lose all the will to play.

I will quit if the game sill frustrates me and holds me hostage in lost games.
I don’t even like the new escort the bot already.

Same. If the game loses a sense of competativeness in it’s f2p nature because of a pay to win barrier early each season, I will quit. If the impact of a grindy bp doesn’t translate to ranked much at all and players still kick butt on old heroes then I’ll stay.
Once I’m done playing OW2 though I’m quitting ActiBlizzard forever. This company has been milked and left to rot. I just want that OW1 feel with a live playerbase and a fair playingfield in comp, nothing more.


The last few weeks of announcements will make me quit soon after release. There are too many L’s for the player without delivering anything close to what they originally wanted OW2 to be. To this day there is not a single video of a playable pve mission after 3 years of development and that was what I was looking forward the most. I will give it a fair try though, since it’s f2p, but I’m overall not that much interested in 5v5.

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im sure if they ever tried something liek that and it hurt the game severely the ceo would likely be quickly ousted

If Overwatch because super predatory, forcing people to pay £20 for a single skin and locking important gameplay elements such as over 2/3 years of the roster behind a grind for new players.

Thankfully, that’s never going to happen, right?