What would happen if Mercy suddenly got 60 hps back ❔?

you said ana and luceo would still be dominant, but im just going to say that i dont think anybody cares who is dominant. just who is viable. i think this would be fine. me personally i think her heals could actualky stay 50 hps but give her the abiluty to burst heal for3 seconds at 100 hps with cooldown of 15.

then make resurect sn ultimate with cast time of 3 seconds with line of sight limitation but barriers have no effect, upon ressurect cast completion players are emmediatly on the ground like they were slept for 2 seconds before “waking up”. mass res is a thing.

vakerie becomes an ability upon switching to pistol lasting 5 seconds and only allowing you to fly nothkng else. but thats just a theory. A GAME THEORY

BETTER QUESTION… What if all the Mercy whiners just stopped???

If she get her 60 HPS back then i’ll be content :joy:

See you say that, but Overbuff thinks I’m in the top 5% of S76 players even when I’m in mid diamond.

Won’t trust anyone who talks about stats. Especially when they cherry pick just one stat out of many to try and prove a point.

Overbuff calculating how “good” you are at a hero (i’m apparently top 2% of D.Va players or something) is a different calculation than them gathering pickrate and winrate stats. They have a reasonably decent sample size.

I would have nerfed nothing, the insane power creep was already a lot even for 60 hps considering Mercy has no means to heal burst damge wich realy is the most important damage. I would have instead alowed the other healers to heal through barriers.

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Mercy and Zen would likely end up being the strongest support duo again, people keep forgetting to mention this, but Mercy’s nerf was also an indirect nerf to Zenyatta.
Considering the current meta is mostly GOATS/Quad tank and some variation of dive, it’s hard to say if bringing her healing back would revert the meta to more of a double sniper meta.

NGL, I thought the question was ‘what would happen if mercy suddenly got a jet pack’.
I was prepared for that question, not this one.
Can you please change it?

But to the real question, I think there would be less people playing her, because they might decide they want to stick with another healer.
But unless there has been a change to the other support, I think it will just go back to the way it was before.

Mercy and Zen’s pickrate would rise significantly in competitive play.

Ana once she starts dropping will fall like a stone. People think she’s more viable than she is at most skill levels.

Moira’s pickrate would drop at lower ranks as Mercy’s healing would out compete her but, she’d go up slightly in GM as Ana falls because Biotic Grenade won’t be in her way anymore.

50hp/s : I only play Mercy as a ‘top-off’ healer, so making sure every1 is always at 100%

60hp/s : I play her as a main healer who actually can pocket the team’s most valuable hero

It’s funny how 10hp makes such a drastic difference in how you play her

And what about 55hps?

Uhhhhhhh that’s actually a good question, I’d have to try it out for a couple of matches tbh

What about 55 hps and 70 during valkyrie?

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It didn’t last. Her pickrate is just slightly higher than before and seems to be trending down again.



I’d prefer it if only the main beam healed for 70-75 hps while the chain beams heal for 50hps so that there’s target prioritization in Valk.

Unfortunately they can no longer buff mercy because they buffed pharah, so buffing mercy would buff pharmercy and the duo would become even more obnoxious than before. Tanks especially would suffer heavily. The only thing keeping pharah in check is the other hitscan heroes that too were recently buffed.

They’d have to nerf her damageboost to compensate basically or otherwise break the pharmercy synenergy, so mercy would have to take the hit, no way they would nerf pharah if pharmercy was too oppressive. >_>

Did they buff Pharah?

Felt more like a lateral change.

Everyone would flock back to Mercy and she’d be a must pick again. Not because she was drastically better but because she’s so dang popular that people will use any excuse to pick her

Choose one.

  • Being must-pick bcos she’s op

  • Being played very frequently bcos she’s so popular

Popularity and high pickrates don’t necessarily mean that hero is overpowered. It is ok if some hero is popular. Problem occurs when the hero is so good that not having them put your team in huge disadvantage.