What would DoubleBarrier do if

I’m just looking for key weaknesses that can affect doublebarrier, but not other comps

Then that opens the way up buffing up barriertanks.

Admittedly, this maybe isn’t my best design concept, but it’s a process.

I’m fully aware of that.

It’s not much of a counterplay to EMP when it’s already deployed and gets effected.

They get torn apart without EMP anyway.

True, but I’m looking for ways to buff each Orisa and Sigma to Reinhardt tier.

But looking for ways to selectively nerf DoubleBarrier while leaving SingleBarrier untouched.

Or, and hear me out on this. Don’t counter buff them to eclipse or rival Reinhardht by nerfing other aspects of their identity and make other tanks besides D.Va, Rein and Zarya semi viable on their own right.

The meta can form more naturally from that then sledgehammering and throwing on band aids when they go too far.

You do realise that it’ll still effect single barrier comps right? Sombra will just have an easier job over them.

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A single hero designed to counter a meta either results in them being over nerfed or extremely OP. That’s how we got busted Brig.


Tbh, this isn’t my best concept idea, I’m just exploring the possibilities from all angles.

I’d be much more happy with this idea.
✅ Fixing BarrierTanks and OffTanks

That said, I’d say #1 most important thing right now is making Tanks more popular as a role.

Which probably means “power creep”, but I really don’t care if the alternative is the game dying.

I’m totally okay balancing each role in 2-2-2 for equalish fun/popularity (within reason), instead of the openqueue concept for equal impact.

Or reworked into Monsters. Moth Mercy and Hanzo 2.0 speak volumes to how far reaching such impact can cause.

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Remove her 70% damage falloff. Then she can farm Emp from off angles.

Or, give her the 2 translocators, then she can farm EMP by ''porting above them, getting some fire in, and relocating back.

If people want Sombra to be a Niche hero, giving her an actual Niche should be a thing.

Yeah, but they would probably want to throw in some offtank counterplay to Sombra.

I.e. Zarya bubbles

Then the game starts to become inconsistent as I would count a bubble as a shield.

That statement doesn’t make any sense, since there is no other similar interaction.

As is, it’s pretty bizarre that a preemptive Zarya bubble blocks ShieldHeath damage, but doesn’t block Hack status.

Double barrier has always been slapped by EMP though.
Perception is “lul Sombra trash bc other shoots better and other damage heroes have stronger dps” and so she was never run when she was needed most.

I don’t think Blizzard is going to move our girl to the tank category any time soon :frowning:

I’m also unsure about giving Orisa any more weaknesses at this time.

no thanks, i dont want sombra to be a must pick. And sombra is one kind of hero that everyone doesnt like playing against. Beeing hacked or team EMPd is autoloose in most cases

I guess I just forgot what the topic of this post was. Now that I’ve checked it, #1 and #2 already happen so what’s the point of this?

  • Sigma’s Barrier should not block damage until after it is placed, this way there is counter play when he is moving his barrier and is vulnerable to damage. Plus he can have a stronger barrier then.

  • Orisa’s Barrier should have a non cooldown based health, meaning much like Rein and Sigma, when she sets or recalls his barrier, the health is always the same. Recalling it stores it, and allows it to recharge, when broken it suffers the same cooldown penalty before beginning to recharge.

Yeah, to be honest, I’m not sure if I like this idea overall.

But it is a potential limiter on DoubleBarrier if they need one.

But would probably be more of an additional change, but not the main change.

For instance, just the Orisa part maybe.
Probably Mei too.
Then do one of the other plentiful tank fix ideas.

Maybe do a swap where Orisa loses barrier projectiles when hacked, but can bodyblock Earthshatter with Fortify

Sigma is already weak, this is not necessary.[quote=“Watsyurdeal-1478, post:28, topic:507436”]
Orisa’s Barrier should have a non cooldown based health

Interesting but I think we should instead find a way to make orisa more powerful without making buffs or nerfs to her barrier. Her barrier health is where it needs to be.

^idk what the hell is wrong with the quote rn but you know what I’m saying.

Assume for the sake of argument that he’d have his shield health buffed and some of his damage back as well.

I would hope I wouldn’t have to explain that but just so we’re clear, this is how he should have been changed at launch.

It’s really not, with the change she could have the same barrier health but not place and stack barriers one after the another.

What you see is what you get, wanna save the barrier? Recall and reposition with Fortify.

I think the solution to the perceived perception of double barriers being a “problem” is to provide players with more means of disabling them beyond Sombra or blinking through them with tracer.

Sombra’s kit is inherently too difficult for the average player to use effectively, requires immense coordination to remain effective, and honestly may require too much input to achieve the desired output.

Combine this with her lower (yet still quite effective especially when dinking tanks) raw DPS and the “spectator Sombras” and you have a poor choice for a solo q hero.

Tracer is always a good choice, but popular opinion is that she’s bad despite brig being nerfed to the point of “no longer an actual threat to Tracer” and Moira being slightly less effective these days.

I think if there were more options (piercing shots like old Sym orbs being a prime example) to bypass or disable barriers which require less effort than Sombra or tracer, players would be more likely to outplay double barriers.

I think a skill level similar to Ashe play would be appropriate.