What would be a worth it price for skins?

The discounted watchpoint pack is the only one I’ve viewed as worth it so far. 2 seasons of BP and a bunch of legendary and epic skins for 8$ if you exclude the cost of the coins. Of course, only if you view the BP as worth it. 2-3 legendaries an epic here and there and a mythic? I think its worth it.

10$ for an old legendary? It would have to be something I really want. 2-5$ would be ideal but they wouldn’t do that.

If there were more bundles as worth it as the discounted watchpoint pack in the future I might jump the gun. Paying for a bundle where I pay for each skin at about a dollar or less is very nice.

Most people seemed content with OWL skin prices like for tracer. Where you got a legendary model like changing skin on top of sound effect changes. A mythic skin is probably like $10-20 is what most people could stomach it for if it oculd change other visuals. For some of the more basic redesigns $3-10 is probably what most would be alright with.

This seems to align what I recall for people paying skins on their characters in like MMORPGs and stuff in the past that seemed alright doing.

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20 for ow2 skins the best ones

10 and 5 for old skins and the average skins ow2

The old price used to be like $10 which was a very reasonable ask and spend on this type of game. I wouldn’t cry about $15. But $20 is just not it for me. For legendaries, though. Generic ones or super old ones should be like $8

Should be a tier system where new skins can be at there current over blown price and drops down to $5 over time as patches/new skins are released.

The best price for skins would be something you can actually get without a weekly shop ban and commensurate with how much time you spend playing the game. It makes no sense to make the standard gallery skins as expensive as an exclusive, because otherwise then legitimate blizzards to sell the real exclusives (for example the blizzcon skins) at $50 each and ONLY those.

The right price for the skins would be to create a “silver” currency inside the gallery so as to never penalize the cost of the BP (a real exclusive content inside) which has been decided to be 1000 coins. Because it’s ridiculous that with 60 coins a week it’s not worth buying even the cheapest content (a spray? 100 coins. A stupid icon? 300 coins!), people are not willing to save money if they literally can’t afford anything.

The fair price for skins is not to quadruple the value of 6 year old content and sell it to new users with a highly inconvenient system on their pockets, making OW1 veterans the ones who have the advantage not only in experience, but also in the aesthetic variety. easy, no?

5 legendaries, 3 epics and a mythic but yeah

Yeah but some of the skins are doodoo. I’m assuming the future battlepasses will have good and bad skins so I’m just counting the ones I might actually want.

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That constable Tracer skin bundle is a great example of what most skin bundles should be priced around (1000 coins/$10), the mobster Junkrat is also great (800 coins/$8) and should be the price of most skin packs.

What the heck is with the mime moira skin pack though, 3200 coins down to 1700, are they smoking crack?

$1 Rare (recolors)
$5-7 Epic
$10 Legendary
$15 Mythic
$20 Charity Legendary
$30 Charity Mythic