What was the issue with mass rez?

Not a Mercy main by any stretch of the imagination but what exactly was the issue with it?

I know the whole using ur ult to get a team wipe for them to all be rez felt bad blah blah blah.

I dont remember it ever being all that impactfull personally, Most of the time Mercy GAd in she would get focused down so even if she managed to rez before getting turned into a pink and white flan smushed into a wall.

Also if they got killed its likely they died cause they were horribly positioned in the first place which means even if they get rezed they would get cream crackered again.

Also even if she manages to get a 5man rez. Mercy should be easily floored before they gain control and can fight. 5v6 THEN your team still has the time to focus on another enemy nuking them before the rez finishes and they can be killed making it a 4v6.

Long story short i just dont get why people felt like mass rez was so oppressive.

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Whatever was wrong with it if anything, it needed to remain as an ultimate (not neccesarily in the form it was left). It being a basic ability is probably one of the worst decisions ever made for this game.


They say it had no counter (Even tho you can kill them again with another ult just after they get rezed because they would be standing still for about 2s)

I think this problem could have been solved in many different ways, there are man great ideas to nerf MR. But nooo, bliz wants to think out of the box.

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The issue was that it didn’t have the line of sight check that Mercy mains and most of the game were constantly requesting.

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Hide n rez + having to wait for your team to die to do something impactful instead of being able to support them while they’re alive like literally every other hero

It encouraged a unintended playstyle where Mercy would abandon her Team to hide and let her team die on purpose just to rez them again.

Short answer, Loss Aversion is a thing humans have and Mass Resurrect runs into it full speed ahead in the worst possible way.

Long answer: Mass Resurrect and Valkyrie are both fatally flawed

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I remember after usually one or two died, the team would shout “mercy has ult, let’s just die” (this happened to me a lot) and i think it was a form of ‘restarting’ with full HP.
Also, instead of helping the team mid fight, mercy would hide and rez. Which was quite problematic.

The problem with it was Twitch and YouTube content providers that didn’t like their big moment stolen.


Issue with mass rez ??


2cp is still broken even without Mercy.

too many people did the hide and rez thing, plus the sr system rewarded people for having more rez than healing, so it encouraged people to get ult then stop supporting their team, to get the most rez possible.

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Because it was toxic as hell.

Wipe the enemy team and then you have 5 seconds to play Hide and Seek with Mercy before she comes flying in from nowhere and resurrects her entire team.

It required no skill to pull off and every game became a test of whether or not you can play Whack-A-Mole when the enemy Mercy tries to Rez.

No LOS check and invulnerability. If they added LOS check and made it so it had a cast time that could be interrupted it would have been fine to be honest. People seem to forget Mercy was almost a throw pick during Mass Rez time, Lucio was simply better until Ana, then Ana ruled, then Mercy got her rework that put her over the top with insta rezzes on cooldown and Ana got nerfed. Hide and seek was never as prevelant as people are acting like.

Picking Mercy 1.0 means you get an underpowered character with a tiny chance of rendering the events of the game entirely irrelevant. This is anticompetitive; if I wanted those sorts of RNG shenanigans I’d be playing Mario Party.

Hide and rez was just one of the answers the devs thought was safe enough for PR reasons. Of all the issues with mass rez that really wasn’t one of them.

I remember back at the time I didn’t really object to mass rez. It was just one annoying ability in a crowd of annoying abilities. However, long after it was gone I was watching some old vods.

It seemed like almost every game came down to whether or not you could kill the enemy Mercy first. Fifteen or twenty minutes of gameplay was all just window dressing, the only thing that actually mattered was getting that Mercy kill first during the final fight. If you got Mercy first or maybe even second, you won. If you failed to get the Mercy you lost. It was really an awful game dynamic, it just made everything else a waste of time.

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to OP:

I watched game after game after game where Mercy (a healer) was incentivized to withhold healing from her team so that they would die and thus allow her to get “the big rez”

The devs saw this as well, as described in the video released at the time mass rez was (thankfully) removed from the game

Current single rez provides no such incentive

That’s not why the devs removed it. The devs didn’t like that mass rez was too situational because your teammates and you, the Mercy, should be trying to stay alive as much as possible, making it quite inconvenient. The only tactic that solved that was dying on purpose, something the devs and the community didn’t like.

Mass rez was clunky and chafing for the whole team, that’s why Mercy got reworked.

Mercy was actively rewarded for abandoning her teammates and not doing her job at the time she was needed most. How often it happened is irrelevant, the devs didn’t like that it happened at all, so they fixed it.

To be fair, many of those ideas were shot down in various ways by Mercy mains at the time.

That’s the greatest irony in all of this. Mercy mains spent months explaining why nerfs to Mass Res would kill Mercy, and now they’re spending over a year complaining about how the devs “didn’t even try to nerf her before reworking” and that “they never listen to what Mercy players say.”

Mostly Hide n’ Rez and the fact that you could rez from spawn.