What was it about Mass Rez that you liked/disliked?

Rage quit? Your the one who left. Also, my stats for Mercy ARE better than yours.

Iā€™m not masterā€™s i got to masters on this account after 9 hours game time with a 75% win rate and was nowhere near my rank.

The game was first to 15 u quit after 10 deaths. I left the troll sym game cause all u did was camp behind your turrentā€™s but still losing 5-2. Anyway iā€™m of Iā€™m sorry u lost massive rez but it was for a good reason.



Iā€™m sorry, I said that you won after putting us back in the lobby, then you said to do another heroā€¦

Quite literally, the best way to play Sym. Bait people into turret room. Also, again, was dealing with input lag.

Yeah, this doesnā€™t change the fact that you failed to prove your point. My Mercy stats are still better than yours. Iā€™m literally comparing them right now as we speak.

Bye! :slight_smile: hope we can put our differences aside and play with each other some more.

I hated that she was invulnerable during it. They literally couldā€™ve just scrapped that or made it where she takes a little less damage, but nope. Here we are.


What Mercys do you know had a 1v1 with pistols rather than healing?
Your ā€œ1v1 skillsā€ prove nothing, other than you have a higher chance to survive than the enemy.

I loved it. It had no down sides. I was 100% content with old mercy

Yeah, um. It was pretty sad. She absolutely destroyed me but some of that was because of lag. Then I checked her profile and sheā€™s like a Masterā€™s DPS main whilst Iā€™m here, new to pc, as a diamond Mercy one trick. I donā€™t really know why she even wanted to 1v1. My Mercy stats are still better than hers. :joy: Pretty sure she got suspended or something by the way. She was being incredibly toxic in-game and on the forums.

Liked: Resurrecting more then 1 teammate, rez animation was sped up, getting complimented and yelled at for getting a 3-5 man rez and or playing mercy.

Disliked: Invincibility, Ult Charge was incredibly fast, unable to jump during GA, 60 hp/s, resurrecting through walls. Basically a lot of things about it.


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This right here. With her mass rez gone, the game lost a lot of its drama.

Whenever there was a Mercy in the other team, you always had that fear of: if I used Grav-Dragon now and Mercy arrives in the nick of time, two Ults wouldā€™ve been wasted.

I dunno. The game lost a lot when her rez was removed in terms of rez strategy. At the same time, it made other ults, e.g. Zen and Lucio, have more presence. But there was nothing more messed up than a Mercy ulting and then a Zen keeping those people alive through a Junk tire or something similar.

In either case, agree that the drama was a huge loss after she was reworked.

I miss feeling like I just carried the game and everyone knew it.
That moment of feeling like a hero.
I dont know if Mercy will ever get that feeling back like it used to be

What i like was mercy had a real shot at getting ptog through rez and healing, now if mercy wants ptog she needs to battle mercy and kill everyone

Teamfight go brrr my team use all ults we win fight YAY oh waiittt mercy is hiding in that bush oh shes rezing everyone our ults are gone and they are all alive dang.

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Iā€™ve gotten many POTGs where I donā€™t pull out the pistol at all

Rez and mass damage amp for assists and heal for fire

Also why did we necro a years old thread. Can the mods lock this?

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Rofl didnā€™t even look at the original post date wow 2018

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Lets say your team has 10s left to capture the point, youā€™ve all came together and decided to throw every last bit of yourselves at the point. Last teamfight you baited out a bunch of ults so you know they donā€™t have many. Youā€™re teach focuses down the enemy dvaā€™s mech, preventing her from using DM. Then, your Zarya throws out her grav and an Ana boosts her, you grabbed them all amazing. Now, your junkrat/Mei tires or blizzards grav, freezing all targets and you kill everyone in that grav. You did it, you can together as a team and you are able to capture this point. Oh, but whatā€™s this? Mercy came in, pressed Q and now all that work has gone straight out the window because a hero has the ability to undo multiple ultā€™s by pressing a single button, itā€™s cast time is almost instant and now not only were they rezā€™d, but they are all full HP and your team is probably lower on HP since this was pre-moira or large AOE healing supports.

Being able to revert large teamfights from the press of a button is not fun. It just makes you feel cheated.

The thing I hated, ā€œhey guys die on point, just die real fast hurry upā€