What Valkyrie really looks like

I like Valkyrie, but it could be better in my opinion. Stronger single beams in favour for weaker chain beams. 1 extra rez charge. Something like that. :slight_smile:


You popped it once for a grav.
Valkyrie would have saved the team from that grav, but there was no second healer, so the team died.

If you don’t like Mercy in Quick Play then you have three options:
Play competitive.
Don’t play Mercy.
Use the lfg to form a proper group that is interested in playing like a group.

Tbh. I dont know why people still play Quick Play and expect supports to work out.
Noone on your team cares about you or the match, nor about anyone else and just wants to pew pew for a bit.
If you go into Quickplay expecting your team to pay attention to you, then you’re doing it completely wrong.

It’s a bit sad, yes, but that’s the reason why once Overwatch was launched everyone demanded a competitive mode.


Now in all fairness, how representative proportionally is this set of outcomes? 50%, 70% or 30%? I am honestly asking.

I never said I didn’t like Mercy in quick play.

Comp gives me anxiety.

I play whatever I feel like :slight_smile: most the time that IS Mercy.


You have to get to quite high ranks I think before there’s any significant appreciable difference in how people actually play a lot of the time.

A lot of people have voted with their feet and are doing exactly that. The more people that do, show how ineffectual and unfun the rework was.


While I chuckle watching you literally hover motionless, I am one of the fools who often forgets to take the Mercy out.


“Damn it.”

Valk’s new slogan.


Good question. Most Valkyries I would consider okay but too boring to put into a video. If i had to put a number on it i’d say I get a valk that looks good and turns to fudge once every three rounds?

HAHAHAHA! I did it on purpose :slight_smile: In moments where I knew it was 100% safe. Most the time I am constantly moving.


This is why I stopped playing Mercy.
Her ult is boring, and even if no one is targeting you, your whole team dies anyway if the enemy team lands a decent ult.
To me, she’s a shell of her former self.
I’m happy that some Mercy mains still find her fun, but I am not one of them.


Depends on a lot of factors.
Mercys Valkyrie is a foreshadowing ult and depends a lot on what you expect to happen next.
10% ? 20% ?
Sometimes your teammates just do a terrible mistake of running into stupid hallways in panic or you pop it at the wrong time or you simply die.
Sometimes you pop it and your team pushes, but your hitscan just doesnt get those crucial shots. It happens.

5% currently. Pretty good. :slight_smile:
The only reason why it was higher previously was the same reason for Reinhardts pickrate:
Mercy was a must-pick and even those that hated playing her were forced to pick her.
The rework was a success in both fun of the gamedesign and resolving the natural order of her pickrate in casual gameplay.

How exactly does that make sense?

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Yessss. This is why as fun and quirky as valk can be I can’t help wishing for an Ultimate that was more punchy like Mass rez was. I hate how Valk can be brainless in the way that you pop it and it lasts so long you are probably going to get decent free value out of it (I included a valk like this in blizzard world on the video). I also hate how it’s not a strong ult used defensively and offensively it incentives grouping up. Which then leads to the enemy team dumping ults on us :frowning:.


A “punchy” ult would make me play Mercy again no doubt.
Current Mercy just doesn’t feel rewarding to me even if our team won and I played Mercy “correctly”.


It’s sub 3% in Diamond, and vanishingly worse the higher you go. She sees mediocre use in average ranks where she’s propped up by being one of the most popular heroes in the game. She’s not actually good.


I fully agree. I have games where I play really well, all my valks do okay and at the end of it I don’t feel satisfied. It felt like a chore to be playing the game! Mind you some days I don’t feel this at all and I have a lot of fun but lately thats harder to come by.


This is reaaaally boring, I wish devs would look for this


I’ll take that as a compliment though if you don’t mind :stuck_out_tongue:

This timestamp is the highlight of the video imo :wink:

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She’s currently weaker than Ana and Lucio due to playstyles that are prominent in gm, etc.
She’s generally strong in lower ranks due to her high skill-floor and due to weaker enemies.
The prevalence of Mercys natural enemies - a good hitscan player on a widow f.e. - are less of an occurence and problem in lower brackets.

Mercy needs tweaking, but certainly not her Rez.
I do believe the nerf of her hp/s was unnecessary.
The implementation of Ashe did improve Mercys viability.

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^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^


Agreed. No one ever said that those who like her current state aren’t allowed to like it, but I feel like a lot of people don’t like it. I am one of those people and I used to ADORE playing Mercy, practically jumped for joy when someone asked me to play old Mega Rez Mercy because I found it fun and got pretty good at tempo Rez’ing to the point sometimes when I tempo Rez’d, I’d end up getting a 3 or 4 man instead of just a 2 because more of my team mates just so happened to fall as I pressed my Ultimate.

I was fine with getting rid of Mega Rez, though it hurt to see it go, but once they literally watered it down so badly they practically drowned Mercy? It lost its luster. I’ve tried playing her like I used to, her healing is far too weak. I can barely even do what everyone claims is her role; ‘pocketing’. I mean, it’s just so ‘FUN’ sitting there watching your Ashe or Widow snipe only to be dove on and both of you die because Mercy can’t heal like she used to.

I also thought Mercy was a MAIN healer? What kind of joke was someone playing when they decided nerfing her healing BACK to 50 hp/s was a good idea? I often feel like Zen outheals me…sometimes he even does. I’ve had so many games where my Zen would outheal me simply because I have to pocket or damage boost because my healing is crap during an actual fight.

The dev’s might think she’s in a good place; but I do not.


Is that any worse than anyone else’s ult though…? I can’t think of one that is just guaranteed great though…

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