What type of hint would you like to see for hero 29

That makes no sense. Torbjorn and junkrat are in the same category.

Also, I was making a joke because we already have hot/muscular male healer (lucio) but he’s short

Most people want his kit based on gambling but that’s not going to work at least. So I suggest his kit be based on calculations.

Just any… any at all.

This is an example of not being able to please everyone. I would be shocked if a character wasn’t revealed at blizzcon

I’m not gonna balk and whine at a new hero existing, but I also do know I don’t want one in lieu of developing what already exists in the game.

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Interesting, how would you make an ability based on calculations?

Like if a projectiles are coming towards Maximilian, he will calculate the means to either dodge it or catch it to use as his own.

It all has to be based on your movement and timing to dodge it though.

Not gonna be surprised if something is leaked on the ptr this week… like a clue or something. (since this ptr will likely extend into November)

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It has to be a tank, or at least a support. We got too many offense heroes already. Would be cool to have an “evil” tank, like a Talon heavy character. Thiking outside the box, what if they created an entire new class type? I mean it’s a longshot but think something like Abathur in HOTS, something interesting.

I’d like to hear them say that they’re not adding another hero. The game is currently an absolute mess, and they haven’t even mentioned plans to address the numerous issues that get brought up constantly. Balance is clearly something they’re struggling with as is, having 28 heroes to keep up to date, and adding another isn’t going to make that any easier.

So the best hint would be no hint at all, to me at least.

No, it’d be November 2nd during the Overwatch portion of the Opening Ceremony.

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Eye color, specifically the whites of their eyes

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We need DPS, the people complain always that nobody takes Support or Tank, just give to DPS a shield and support kit … oh wait!

All I would want to know is what role catagory it will be in.


do it Like Moira and show nothing until the reveal at Blizzcon.

A tank, o would like them to be like it’s a tank.

If it’s not and it’s a dps I’m rioting.

I’m sure they’ll toss a hint in, but it’ll be just like Moira where we don’t notice the hint until the new hero is already out.

Thank you for the correction, nov. 2nd