What type of Battery does D.Va's Meka run on?

unlikely, just due to how dangerous those things can be if they start reacting uncontrollably

A misconception based on the necessity of achieving fission by using elements that have the greatest naturally occuring decay/instability.

If energy enough to split carbon atoms can be achieved on a small scale with enough efficiency so that the energy released exceeds the energy consumed, carbon fission batteries are possible.

Many household devices have enough electricity flowing through them that it would kill a human who is exposed to it all at once. That does not make them inherently dangerous or unstable.

8 D batteries, obviously.

How about the fact, that in irl, nuclear reactors are just giant steam turbines?

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That’s because this is the safest way currently known that allows the reactor to slowly channel the large-scale energy release these large-scale reactions produce.

The same energy could also catalyze the combustion of carbon fuel chains. That would be too quick to be useful, and basically a giant explosion.

Electrical batteries move electrons from one solution to the other based on electromotive forces. If there was a way to channel high energy fission reactions towards accomplishing the same purpose, there’s no reason to use steam, particularly because steam-powered electrical generation requires a lot of physical space to be useful.

I love this fact, personally.

How about this, the biggest solar powered source…is also a steam turbine

Are you referring to the atmosphere? Or an actual turbine, because if so I have to learn this.

A fact that would be HIGHLY relevant for a skyscraper sized war-machine.

Less so for a single-person MEKA piloted by a small girl.

Its in the mojave, the helios station in new vegas was based on it, it focuses the suns rays to heat up a tank of water

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Doesn’t matter it’s still radioactive. I was just proving a point.

That’s basically how it already is with deep space probes. Though I don’t know what the point of “less stable” elements would be. It needs to be radioactive enough that there is significant decay heat. If it wasn’t then there would be no reason to use that isotope.

That’s true if you are talking about slow-burn fission reactions. I’m talking about chain-reaction fission energy.

The KABLOOEY kind.

Contained within a small device that harnesses the micro-scale KABLOOEY. Which would not require highly unstable elements.

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We’re reaching levels of Calvin that shouldn’t be Hobbes-able.



Everything can be explained while speeding down a hillside in a little-red-wagon.


I thought we were talking about a reactor for power production and not a nuclear weapon?

I thought we were talking about the science of the future and not the way that reactors are currently designed?

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Late reply but I just noticed it. I don’t see why Overwatch being in the future would change anything regarding the principles of nuclear power production. Why would we be wanting a nuclear weapon type design?

i can’t believe nobody said gamer fuel yet

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It´s nuclear reactor.
But anyway, you are talking about future, where things can be created from light partical - photons. Where healing can be speeded, where some nuts guy can control gravity and some squeeky little girl time… I don´t think that we know all about physics, they use.