What the hell is with this balance patch

Welp, I’m no longer a tank main lol

I’m a Reaper one trick now.

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with pleasure!

its hard to play symmetra without getting sh@t on by most of the characters.

sym cant counter tracer and genji anymore.

Winston counters her hard and so do long range characters.

sym cant protect herself using her own abilities apart from her ultimate.

a shield is the best for charging your beam, not all enemies have a shield character.

when she tries to get close she usually gets killed by the tanks so she uses her orbs which are pretty bad because they don’t pierce anymore.

turrets get destroyed with melee and have a long cooldown.
turrets often get destroyed mid air or even before they fully deploy.

the teleporter needs more range.

her ultimate isn’t that useful, its good against some ults but that’s about it.

this is all i can think of, there’s more.

she never countered tracer and/or genji though unless that was a bad player.

Dva OP? WTF? what happend in your minds?


They should’ve made Reaper good against armor and not armor bad against every single hero.

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Armour was an issue for the majority of DPS and some tanks themselves (Winston), not just Reaper.

Not a single DPS was in meta because of the dominance of tanks and healers, with armour being a huge breaking factor that made running triple tank triple support incredibly rewarding.
DPS as a whole needed a buff to get them back into meta, this should achieve that in the simplest and cleanest way possible.

Now that you put it that way, makes sense.

It was either that or individually rework a whole host abilities and heroes across the tank, support and DPS categories. Whether this is balanced is yet to be seen, they will probably monitor it and see if it needs to be taken back up to a bit to -4 reduction, but it is clearly the simplest way to address a lot of problems in OW at the moment.

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Besides Roadhog and Winston.

Snipers are virtually unaffected by armor though.

They now do +2 more damage against armoured targets… kinda irrelevant when you’re hitting in the multi-hundreds.


As mentioned above, this is completely the opposite, it stops Widow from being one of the few DPS we see in pro play and makes a whole host of other DPS viable that aren’t burst damage snipers.
So those who dislike snipers should be enjoying this news. Now there should be more variety in DPS picks.

It is not about the armor for the snipers indeed but they do get to see more action more squishies to one shot :wink:

Apart from everyone wanting Reaper to be buffed and tanks to not survive as much. So, everyone.

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Hardly any different from now, lol.

Give me your games plz its all goats here :cry:

Nah, most people were praying Reaper would never get buffed because they did not want to get Shrek’d. There is a reason we had to wait so long for a notable buff. They “want” balance, but they also want the power dynamic to remain the same.

Is a nerf to Winston; he won’t be doing any more damage because the ticks on his gun will still be halved and he loses effective health.

Blizzard: ‘Ah, balance. We have dismissed that claim.’

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Hamster did not have a lot of armor to begin with. All this means I cannot 1v1 reaper even if he is quite low on hp unless I can sideways hit him with a grappleclaw or manage to hit him while low with pile driver. No way in hell I am going to directly 1v1 a reaper especially since any sort of healing nullifies base quad cannon damage. I mean the patch is a slight nerf to hamster but hardly going to change how I play since I mostly just try to avoid reaper anyways.

All hamster needs is a slight boost to quad cannon damage, enough to help kill alone soldiers with biotic field, and allow hamster to slide around walls if he is going fast enough with grappleclaw for newer players to get into the swinging action easier. Doing those two things will help.