What the hell is Torbjorns hero fantasy?

Torb is a stereotype of an IKEA dwarf. If he was a new character today, the community would be angry about it because they’re offended by everything now.

I did prefer Torb’s original turret from an engagement perspective. For those who don’t know, you used to have to hammer it to upgrade it to level 2 (current turret), then you could ult to put it at level 3, which was very cool. He’s more flexible now but less fun. I liked the armor packs, too. Revert Torb?

His fantasy is best shown in form of r34 content considering his ult Kappa

I think turrets would work if they operated more like zonal traps with fixed patterns instead of automated turrets .

This will allow more variety.

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Torbjorn’s fantasy is to make babies🤗

I mean his turrets obviously