What the hell is Torbjorns hero fantasy?

Tbh I really wish they would give his Alpha kit a chance again. Only reason it didn’t make it to release was because you could have 6 Torbs at any given time.

I really miss the turret engineer aspect of his kit

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a dwarf + engineer, eyepatch + claw hands + drink lava.

if we gonna talk about character design that have no real hero fantasy, lemme introduce you to Baptiste. In the middle of a game with cyborg ninja, a german tank engine, Mei, the grim reaper… we have, Baptiste the dude.

Baptiste is the dude, who’s playin’ the dude, that looks like another dude, from another game…

Death Stranding anyone? Anyone? Claw on an articulated mount? No?

I’mma go over here…

But bap has some depth wich is ultimately why its not SO noticable. Torb is a boring, uninspired and one-dimensional Hero with one real “usecase”: annoy the sombra/tracer.



I pick Torbjorn for support backline stability. He works very well against dumb Moira, Lucio, Tracer, Sombra, and Genji players that try to solo in the backline. Give your supports a rear line turret and generally it slows up most enemy flankers a great deal. From there it becomes a resource to manage and you are on defensive duty.

Along with the occasional hilarity of running into people swinging hammer at them trying to get a killing blow to insult them for dying to a tiny hammer.

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oh nah Bap is 100% one of the best character in the game, story wise. it’s just that none of that actually come out in his character design.
Although his OW2 design actually improved a bit, remove his dumb looking orange scarf for a bigger white scarf with a red cross, make him look more like a war medic.

Torbjorn hero fantasy? Rock and Stoning Turrets and Tracers

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To do hard werk

And it pays off.

I don’t actually know he kind of looks like a builder but can only build one thing and then shoot lava out of his arm idk


What’s so great about Bap’s lore?

I like his, just the fact that he joined Talon and then regretted it, defected, and now he’s being hunted by them.

I actually appreciate that he has genuine consequences to his past actions.

I wish! I was thinking of reworks for every hero the other day (not saying they need them, just a fun project) and giving Torb the pve turrets was what I had wrote down for him! Unfortuntely, I don’t think they’d ever do it. It feels like they want to keep making him into a sort of standard damage hero with the turret nerfs. Heck, i’m pretty sure they said they made abilities that gave shields or armor give generic over health because it was confusing to keep track of or something. Being able to swap between turret types seems unlikely…

The problem is that his hero fantasy can make for some bland in-game experience. I honestly don’t want his entire power budget blown on turrets because of his hero fantasy.

The first, and last time, I played Torb I got PotG. Can you guess what it was?

Yup, it was me waiting for respawn while my level 3 turret gets a 3k elimination.

Don’t get me wrong, sure some might like this gameplay loop. But it doesn’t feel rewarding.


Torb’s hero fantasy is to wear his speedo proudly while he frolics through his workshop bringing joy to all the turrets in the world no matter how large or small they may be.


Dwarf. But Future Dwarf.

I kinda wish Venture was a dwarf.

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Dominating enemy with his machinery, that’s what his hero fantasy is.

Like this guy:

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What the hell is Torbjorns hero fantasy?



i miss his armor packs and lvl3 turret it was so much fun