What the heck is going on with quick play?

I’ve literally lost 10 matches in a row in QP. The enemy team, different players in every match, were obviously diamonds and above and all my teammates, me included, were silvers or golds.

I haven’t played in ages and decided to join back in to see what’s new, wth happened?

There were mega unbalanced matches before too, but 10 matches in a row in a 5-hour range?

How does this work? How does one practice or learn a hero if they can’t get out of spawn?

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  1. You haven’t played in ages…

It’s like going to the gym after half a year and confused about not being strong enough to lift the weight you are used to.

  1. Practice.

  2. It’s qp. A silly mode.

30 win streak or 30 losing streak, what’s the difference?

No stakes on the line just play and move on

Nobody really plays qp for fun anymore. People try to counterswap and run metas rather then using the heros they actually enjoy. Its basically just comp with a wider rank gap on MMR and no comp credits


my mental health is the difference. when the game is throwing you against ranks you’ve NEVER touched, all day long, how are you supposed to have any type of fun? I don’t even wanna win, i want to be able to kill the enemy dps at least once.

The gym reference ain’t it too. You go back to the gym and come out happy cuz you worked out, i exited overwatch 2 and uninstalled it again. Doesn’t feel the same to me.

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Quickplay’s matchmaker is all about speed. It really doesn’t care about the MMR of individual solo queue players. It’s best played as a stack.

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that’s what i noticed too. every kill cam i watch is a caffeine junkie on his tenth swap this game

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if a game is affecting your mental health you shouldn’t play it