What the HECK are these Brigitte Nerfs!?!?!?

Because she can’t DPS? or TANK?




Her playstyle was never meant to be what she was, and what she is now is what she was supposed to be. Don’t like it, play something else.


Wait, I thought all she got were buffs though…

i did too, and she was not as good as live, dies really fast, her heals are more similar to moira and she can’t really hold up her shield if she wants to be able to use shieldbash.

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watching xqc and he said all the brigette mains will go on forums and cry and look at the top post i see. PepeLaugh


She’ll never be ALIVE TO HEAL HER TEAM, as BOTH things that ALLOWED her to survive in the first place have been nerfed into the ground!


Yeah, the tears of brig mains are going to be my main source of sustenance for a while.


:laughing: :point_right: :chart_with_upwards_trend: MALDING

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She’ll be alive just fine if she watches her positioning. Just like the other healers.


nah i’m good, i’m just gonna play her now anyways.
just like the tracer and genji one-tricks did when they got rolled by brig on release.

Your play time on Brigette: 5 minutes (data collected from your profile)

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Nerfs, actually. Infinite teleporter uptime came at the cost of 15 second cooldown (that starts regardless of whether she destroyed it or the enemy did) that occurs AFTER it is destroyed. So overall, less mobility with teleporter and less options.

Not to mention the increased cooldown to being able to go back through teleporter after you use it, making tp-dodging even harder.

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Maybe don’t run into the enemy team 1v6 like old brig used to do and never die…

You realize how dumb your argument is right? You’re claiming a HEALER who is supposed to SIT IN BACK LINE was able to run into the enemy, NOT DIE WHILE HEALING AND STUNNING AND PROVIDING AOE ARMOR and also had the BEST DUELING out of the ENTIRE roster wasn’t over-tuned.

You are delusional.


ayy i just looked are seriously going to listen to a lvl 40 with most time on baptise which means he hasnt been playing for long.

People should play the hero for a certain amount of hours before making threads like this.

New account. Have Brig’s golden gun on my old (name: SiROSTRiKE), as well as McCree’s, Sombra’s, and Ana’s, with Ana and Sombra being my most played.

Remember when players, and even the Developers talked about how this 222 thing was supposed to come with good hero balance?

Well, if this is what they have to offer, so far, I’m not impressed


What exactly would you give Brigette?

What do you mean? As in “how would (I) balance her”?

Yes, let’s hear it. Quickly.

but you xbox account is linked to an alt account and that account SiROSTRiKE doesnt come up?