What the hamburger are these prices, Blizzard?

$10~ for Battle Pass wasn’t too far fetched considering that’s the average price of one on just about any game. Not long ago this used to bundle a new character that you could later earn for free via practice mode, a Mythic Skin locked to that specific season and never to be sold again till recent changes, and numerous other things such as skins, emotes, voice lines, sprays, titles, currency, charms, trophies… For $10. Honestly a pretty solid deal considering the price of all of those things individually, and the fact most don’t ever make it back into this new shop idea that sells a limited amount of things at a time. Tbh, shop needs tons of improvement, not including pricing; such as tracking whether a certain thing is on sale, or just down right expanding it so we can purchase all the content in the game at any point, like we used to do pre-shop back in 1, regardless of what it costs.

Fast forward to now… $20 for a skin that literally does nothing but change cosmetics and maybe highlight certain areas to make them easier to hit, such as Rein and his bright blue burning head, or make a lot of noise such as Widow’s Medusa skin. If that isn’t outrageous enough, now they’re selling Mythical for upwards of $40-$50 just for the base version, not including any of its “upgrades”. Factor that in and you’re looking at well over $100. For a skin. That does nothing but change your voice and sound effects for just yourself, most players around you don’t hear any difference with a lot of them, namely Moira’s skin for example.

Devs are mad that don’t get paid cause the game doesn’t make enough money. Try lowing the prices so more people can afford them. It’s a proven sale fact that doing this more often than not results in a higher payout than what jacking the prices up would do.
Think of it this way…
$20 for a skin, out of the millions of fans you have with some form of income and way to purchase things online, only half or less can afford to drop such high prices for such useless things.
Drop it to $5. Just about anyone can drop a $5 and barely be affected by it, and even allows them to buy 3 more skins for the same price. Millions of people can afford this much easier than $20. Yea, players will be able to buy everything faster and therefore the devs would have to pump out more, but the fact is more people would be able to afford to buy it. I’d rather have millions of people hand me a $5 for a video game skin rather than a hundred thousand of them handing me $20, because in the end that $5 will prove to be a much more stable income for myself without breaking my fans wallets and bank accounts, encouraging them to continue buying more as it becomes available.

I’m still going to buy the battle pass, but at this rate that’s all I’ll ever buy from this game; everything else will be grinded out or complained about not being able to get, such as Illidan Genji. Still waiting for the shop to put skins like that in it. I’m sure lots of people would still go for Pink Mercy if it were ever available again, regardless of the donation aspect of it.

But seriously Blizzard. Y’all are shooting yourselves in the foot by being expensive towards fans that play a game they got for free.