What super said is scary

You might well be right and I would hope for something along those lines. But my point is, we simply don’t know anything at this point and there’s plenty of more negative possibilities as well.

Building Jeff up as a saint as this community is wont to do isn’t healthy nor is it fair to the remaining team. We’ve already seen how that’s turned out with other Blizzard old timers.

Perhaps in time, we’ll know more and be able to make more fair assumptions.

Reaper and his pointless nerfs say hi.
So does mei and a bunch of other easy to counter characters with minimal representation at high elo but capable of stomping bronzes.

The hero itself has nothing to do with what is played in high elo. High elo plays the actual game - it doesn’t play based on what kits the heroes have. Higher elo plays the game in a way that looks at the actual game itself, what is achievable, and what’s possible. Meta = Most efficient tactic available. If the aim is to win - you want to use the most efficient tactic possible.

If the way to win is to play torb - they use torb. If the way to win is to use a hitscan - they use a hitscan. Higher elo are less concerned with nerfs and buffs and just roll with it - and whatever changes are made…they work it into their plan to win.

That’s one of the more major differences between ppl under 4200 and ppl above it.

Upper management at listed companies like this get quarterly share vesting. People leave the day after their vesting date. I would bet he had a his yearly + quarterly stock vest right when he left (you get allocated shares to vest over X years - usually 3-5 - with their first vest being at 12 months then quarterly after that).

Once a year you get the 12 month vest (1 year worth of shares from your most recent stock grant) and a 3 month vest at the same time. This can represent a lot of shares for someone in his position. That’s exactly when you leave.