What Scott Mercer and Jeff Kaplan SAID about MMR

Why does this clown always project his insecurities and mental issues on others? :rofl: :clown_face:

Whats worse than his gameplay, is his argumentation :rofl: :rofl:

his idea that high rank is plat lol

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:rofl: :rofl:
He is not the :clown_face: , he is the ENTIRE :circus_tent:

You should watch his bronze level reinhardt gameplay he had posted in his coping video about rigging :rofl: :clown_face:

TLDR; if it has to be hidden, there’s shenanigains.

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Really bad take there. They should be matched against other top players rather than literally everyone and new players/bronze

I was talking about full six stacks in destiny, thats what they do. There is no room for the MM to put random players on their team


If this game had true competitive integrity then you would see the San Francisco shock at the top of the top 500…

Adulteration much?

You’d be better off just quoting the link and leaving it for people who REALLY want to see it will follow it on their own.


The faster option is grinding skill (from a DPS perspective anyways).

Being a chess master takes a lot more effort than being a GM Overwatch player.

You would probably progress at the same rate.

No you haven’t, you’re just too egotistical to admit your mistakes.

Because it’s an incorrect definition of what’s transpiring.

If they were allowed to 6-stack in GM?

  • Sure…. Maybe….

The fact that GM players are only allowed to duo queue means that team synergy is much more important than raw skill.


Couple things I saw that I’m proud of catching:

Jeff commented on people saying the matches at the end of the season were less competitive.

Also the whole thing about certainty and uncertainty.

Proud of this cause I finally figured this out. After years of asking questions and seeing this but couldn’t put my finger on it. It’s like scratching that itch I couldn’t reach for years. And we all agree low hours playing casuals shouldn’t be mixed in with try hard non casuals. (Not saying casuals shouldn’t be able to play)

Also found this interesting.

Towards the end about how skill is somewhat separate from actual SR / mmr.

And of course SR chasing your mmr. Just reminds me of when I was at 2488 first gold game placed with all plats (even enemy team all plays). But suddenly I see the biggest drop of my gaming history. Very sad time indeed.

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I am looking for two statements, maybe you can help me!

  1. During a stream a while back, Jeff Kaplan said that MMR is more than just a number. They (couple of streamers) were playing Overwatch and I think they were on Gibraltar.
  2. One of the developers once said something to the effect that they can’ t reveal some things about matchmaking because people might exploit the system with that information.

Especially the second statement is often repeated, but I can’t find the source for it anymore.


I only looked at the quotes, but this! another gem, as I always advocate better stat tracking for such synergy, and to isolate raw talent from synergy… but I get bumped and called hard stuck BUT… I guess I’m right LOL.

As for the dev update, glad they said the system is a continuing to evolved… however THAT stopped too for 2-4 years.

Lol. All of the problems they’ve stated still hold true today, because they’re all core problems of match-making.

The overall goals of the matchmaker and the concept of MMR and SR are not gone.
Worse, you can see that they backtracked from Season 5–where they made the quality of matches better.

How do we know this? Because it was the only way to keep DPS and supports for waiting hours.

Why are you even whiteknighting and making excuses for the match making?

Overwatch system is particularly bad because of multiple design decisions made by Blizzard: Allowing solos and groups to be in one queue (admittedly, I didn’t want a separate queue but it was a mistake); placing uncertain accounts in the most populated rank; allowing lopsided matches to proceed at all.

Here’s the answer to fix matchmaking: When redesigning the matchmaking, don’t focus on MMR and SR but uncertainty–especially new accounts.

To improve the playerbase’s experience, where do you want to dump uncertain accounts into? The most populated ranks?


These are the folks on the discord folks.

——> They can’t follow a thread. <———

Recorded me without permission to prove some point about high ground.

And now I’m guessing “ello ma nem” see some meme that’s mocking how I speak? (Had a disability as a kid btw).

What happened with keep the stuff off the forum?


I don’t use Discord, so I dunno what’s going on in dem groups, but as an outsider I thought the “ma nem”-thingamajing was inspired by this:


Funny how they never follow their own rules.

Did they threaten to boot you out yet/issue some warnings? They really, really don’t like people talking about their discord in a negative way on the forum lol.

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Its funny you say this when YOU are literally the only one who started that in this thread when all we were talking about was MMR and ranks.

You started off with insults and “high elo ego” BS. The same guy who cannot handle hearing the truth and instead claim we are targetting him.

You asked for it: you say something in the heat of the moment, then decide to say the opposite and claim we are targetting you or something??

Which is why I recorded ONE part of the VOD Review to show you EXACTLY what happened so you cannot turn back to your usual methods of deflecting: “i dont remember that moment you are talking about” “cant discuss it without seeing the replay/video”

It was crazy how you were trying to justify and deflect many of the big mistakes in that game and act like you played it really well, even though FOUR GMs told you its a mistake and a big one at that.

The clip in question for anyone wondering what I am referring to: (Link removed for now) (TL:DR Bob has terrible positioning in this clip that almost got him instakilled by the enemy genji because he is playing out in the open, close to the payload with no cover while he is playing ASHE, a midranged hero…
He tries justifying this terrible positioning even though me and multiple others told him its completely wrong)

And apparently pointing out his fundamental issues in the VOD means that we are targetting him and bullying him because we told him the truth??

Em, no?? That has literally NOTHING to do with you. Maybe search up the usage of the word in the server?

Please dude, stop with the bs:

  1. There’s no thread to follow: you spoke about synergies in lower ranks => I answered about that. Notice how I included myself in the critique too being a low rank player (you know, I can take some self-irony, I don’t have a ego as big as a transatlantic);

  2. If you were actually an active member of the discord (which doesn’t mean writing some random stuff from time to time just to generate fights) you would know it’s a meme Ron created time ago because of a friend of mine with a strong accent (which is aware and finds it fun). I literally say “ello” every time I enter VC, stop with the delusions of persecution;

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I typed I guess, I guessed wrong, it want me they were teasing, it was someone else’s speech. MY bad. :joy::joy: I guess it’s ok if both parties thought it was funny.

Please remove the link. Your right I’m not an active person.

I did not give consent to be recorded in the first place.

Funny because plenty of people on your discord routinely “generate fights”…

You only have a problem with it when somebody dares to say something that you don’t like…

More bullying and antagonization from the group I see… Unsurprising…

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In the exchange with rhain, I was the one implying there ARE synergies in lower elo. And it was the devs (and maybe his) high elo ego think that lower elo can’t leverage these synergies.

In another thread I even pointed out that people maybe boosted or overlooked cause there’s not enough stats to track through the synergies. A boost in PBSR would help. (Rhain agreed a enhancement wouldn’t hurt, but chose to defend the current system simply because of WHO suggested the upgrade, me).


And then claiming my incompetence, ab and you think I was saying there are no low elo synergies??? Like wow. Like f-ing read the thread.

No worries, we all make mistakes. :+1:

I guess the quotes are to make fun of the fact that I’m not a native english speaker. I hope they are not tho, helk is much better than that.

Exaclty, and I answered, in a creative way, that the only synergy I see in low elo is everyone of us not being able to play the game.

It appears you need to re-read the thread :sweat_smile: