What’s with the paranoia of skimpy skins?

Yeah tell that to their parents… You can actually play under 13 with parents permission.


Hmmm well if you were on the old forums, you should have seen the outcry of threads from people after seeing the SG Widowmaker skin. So many Dva people were mad beyond belief because:

  1. She didn’t get a new skin.
  2. It wasn’t in some type of bikini/skin wear.

Oh boy, then it spread. More creepy post started happening demanding more characters showing skins. It was odd.


my only issue relevant to this is the bare feet bc blizzard enables foot fetishry and it’s weird but i mean thats life


Good point!

I’m Aussie tho.

Why do we need sexy skins anyway? It would become a valid strategy to wear bikinis that showed skin to distract the enemy.


It’s not that there’s only 2 “skimpy” skins, its the fact that so few heros actually have fun skins.

Pharah’s is bulky military armor.

Then EVERYONES excuse is that if she did get a fin skin, it would somehow break her, which is BS.

Literally look at her Security Chief skin, as it shows any armor aspect on her is different from her body.

Put her in a one-piece, give her floaties where her Barrage missiles come from on her thighs and shoulders, and then surfboard wings.

It’s not that hard folks.

“Float-ora systems online.”

“Surfing the friendly waves.”

“Sunshine rains from above.”

THATS what irks me, people being nay-sayers and looking the other way when I give a detailed idea that explains the most feared problem, that it would somehow break her, her model, her hitbox, or lore.

Meanwhile, Dragon Sym. Bikini Widow. Grillmaster 76. Waverider Dva now.

I’m glad we’re getting bikini and summerwear skins, especially the diversity of swimwear, but for Christ sake put it on a hero who needs it, not on Dva who has 4+ fun skins.


Rockabilly D.va already distracts me enough lol. XD


What are you talking about. Her anniversary skin or junkertown?

I mean, D.Va was long due. But I wanted her to have a serious skin, so :woman_shrugging:

Kids are also sensual creatures too it doesn’t just turn on from the moment they hit puberty you know… Its okay if little johnny feels a little weird looking at his favorite female overwatch characters we all started somewhere.



20 characters

I never let my kids play outside when it’s warm, what would happen to their fragile little minds if they saw someone wearing short sleeves, or even worse slippers without socks!


Yeah I can see how you’d get “interested” in that (i’m not saying it in a bad way). To be honest, why do we need “sexy skins”. I don’t understand why this should be a thing. Personally, I think it was a great call from Blizzard to make Cote De Azure purple so the men don’t get to attracted.


For the same reason we also get “non-sexy” skins.
Because some people prefer those.

in almost any game I played you can also see plenty of girls preferring these outfits. it’s not as simple as “hurdurr men want to see skin”


Fair enough. 8 char needed.

Dva is a teenager - I don’t see why she NEEDS some sort of skimpy skin. I like that her new skin shows some skin but is still cute.

It fits the character.

I don’t care either way about more risqué looks in game, as long as it fits the hero. Example: feel all Widowmaker skins should have some risqué elements, bc that is how Blizzard built her.

Putting it on random characters where it makes no sense is what makes it gross. It’s not the sexualized elements themselves.


I don’t really see why it’s necessary to have them. Kids also play this game as well. I’d rather the skins just look cool or fun than have devs worrying about how much skin they show.


Yeah I agree. Widowmaker’s costuming is literally made for femme fatale. But if they sexualized Pharah it would be horrible (not bikini, like a full skin show bikini).

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