What really was wrong with mass Resurrect?

Dying also undoes your efforts if your efforts don’t amount to elims.

It doesnt say anywhere Hitscan counters Pharah either. Overwatch is a buggy game and under fix. What is right or wrong is hard to decide maybe. But we always need a sheriff in the last

The best way to deal with that is to strike preemptively. Making it so that the enemy has to choose between holding their ult forever and being forced to use it prematurely eliminates the need for the economic effects of mass rez.

And so the entire fight comes down to the tiny window right before the rez. People aren’t aimbots, and accuracy tops out at round ~55%. Combined with a tiny window for shots and luck factors in more than it should and the entire fight shouldn’t be decided by it.

How is having a 100 % chance of losing the fight relevant to scenarios where I said that you have a reasonable chance of winning?

You don’t have any tempo when most of your team is dead. For that you need mass rez. Tempo rez is doing it early so you never get there in the first place.

No, mercy can just rez me. See how that is counterproductive to the point of being better then the enemy?

That’s not an argument.

The SR system is the same for Bronze-Plat. Only 7% of the player-base gets to play with the “fixed” SR system.

It is an in-game mechanic that has a maximum potential to be used just like an ability does. Arguing semantics is silly and intentionally ignoring the points being proposed.

Semantics. As stated above. Ultimates are no-different in that players will try to maximize their potential gain out of them just like they will on abilities.

Except they do. Often. It’s why it was such a common occurance to see Mercy doing 4-5 Man rez play of the games after hiding during that period.

Team got wiped by Blade/Blossom/Grav/Visor/etc. and Mercy, who wasn’t there for the fight undid the event. The game mechanic rewarded the player for not participating in the fight and being alive to undo the lost “team” fight.

In many cases, yes. They would. Grav, Nano, Blade was a common combination during that time. That’s half the teams Ults. And unless the team was pushing in with all 6 Ults up they’d likely have none left or perhaps one left.

In-game mechanics, as I stated above, have a maximum potential value if used correctly. Lucio’s boop encourages him to seek out Enviromental kills due to the way it is designed. It can be used for spacing/peeling, but due to the high value of securing a kill on a Full-HP target the in-game mechanic encourages the player to seek out the high reward with low risk.

Yes, it’s not an Ultimate. But it is a in-game mechanic and thus is still going to be utilized in a, “How can I get the most out of this?” fashion from players.

No, you can use your own words.

Be an adult and formulate your own argument. You’ve failed to do anythng other than state, “No” and “I disagree” thus far without any proper attempt to provide an actual discussion.

You can post points from a thread, but I am not going to entertain you posting an entire new thread derailing the conversation at hand in a condescending manner.

I think one of the biggest problems with mass rez is that it didn’t like do anything for your team during the fight, it just hit the reset button on the team fight and it either left your team at a disadvantage or the enemy team at a disadvantage. Every other ult in the game contributes to the team fight instead of just resetting it. It wasn’t a fun play style for mercy in my opinion

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Dont know about you but I personally enjoy being genji bladed and junk rat tired.


I feel like I should kinkshame…I’m kinkshaming


Isn’t this a strawman fallacy?


It comes down to, “why didn’t I use my ultimate to kill Mercy, the one that has the potential to undo kills”. Competent players won’t be sayin this thought. :smirk:

Because you don’t have a reasonable chance of winning by using an ultimate to stall.

This is wrong. As long as one teammate is alive, continuing the fight, your res counts as a tempo res.

Eh… no? There’s no specific timeframe for you to tempo res. It is a tempo res as long as it is done to continue the tempo of a fight.

I present my argument afterwards.

No, there were 2 issues with the SR system. One exclusive to Mercy and the performance SR one.

I don’t intend on reading a comparison between an ultimate and a cooldown ability.

Okay? Having more players ressed doesn’t maximise the potential gain out of your res though.

Then ask yourself, is that you fault or the Mercy’s? Better yet, ask yourself, why am I so incompetent, I can’t fight a 6v5 without having to use all my team’s ultimates.

Yeah, no. I’m not buying that players get baited into using all their ultimates in a 6v5. That’s ridiculous.

Hiding counters itself. All you did was cherrypick examples of enemy team incompetence. If the enemy team is bad, ofc the strategy will work. Any bad strategy would work against a bad team.

Then it’s your fault you lost to such a bad strategy. Why get angry at the Mercy? Maybe, idk? Git gud. :slight_smile:

You :clap:t2: Are :clap:t2: Not :clap:t2: Going :clap:t2: To :clap:t2: Get :clap:t2: Maximum :clap:t2: Value :clap:t2: Out :clap:t2: Mass :clap:t2: Resurrect :clap:t2: By :clap:t2: Hiding.

All of what you said is pointless since hiding will not assure maximum value from mass Resurrect.

This is coming from the same person saying that hiding will ensure maximum value out of mass Resurrect. Yeah, don’t expect too much from me. All you’ve done is given examples of the enemy team playing bad then going, “”Hide n Res” waS suCCesSfuL anD That’S BAd!!”. With this logic, I can just go around and say DPSing as Mercy is successful because the enemy team can’t aim and that’s bad because Mercy is supposed to be a support. REWorK heR!!!

To be fair when Genji or Junkrat are ulting you can do something to stop it. When Mercy pulled off a Mass Resurrect, that was it. There’s was no stopping it.

And Zenyatta’s ultimate?

Ana grenade, boops, one shot abilities…

Swap Mercy with Zen and Mass Resurrect with Transcendance.

When Zen pulled off a Transcendance, that was it. There was no stopping it.

Both don’t have any cast times meaning both are by your logic, not counterable. You can only deal with the ultimate.

strawman fallacy?
What is so sophist about this?

  • you: mass res has no rule to be powerful or not. So it can be powerful.
  • me:overwatch is not based on having or not having rules they just made them like the existing counters. Which are not made by any rules either. So mass res power isnt a absolute thing. It is rather over powered so devs wanted to nerf it.

From what I see you are a sophist actually. Making jokes out of words

What really was wrong with mass Resurrect?

The fact that Blizz came with sledgehammer buffs when the stats suggested she wasn’t really effective (Cause for the Invulnerability Buff), which removed Counterplay for the most part, unless you were fast enought to kill her before she could get it off… before that you could just kill her and then kill her healer-less team again with ease.

And yes… with the SR exploit fixed (Weirdly happened AFTER the rework) HIde and Rez would have mostly disappeared… sure there’d prolly still be the occasional one that just wants to steal the POTG but esspecially in ranked those would prolly be around… low silver i’d say.


All ultimates are powerful?

Two things. It definitely wasn’t overpowered. We know that historically. Secondly, they didn’t nerf it at all LMFAO. They literally buffed it by putting it on a 30 second cooldown.

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They wanted to nerf it. Wanting and success is different. And they actually succeeded now in some way.

They didn’t want to nerf it. They’ve never said they were trying to nerf it. They put it on a 30 second cooldown which made it more powerful. Everything about the rework was OP. They didn’t rework her for balance reasons. They didn’t succeed with the nerf; it made her underpowered. Apparently success is a hero falling into an underpowered state after being nerfed. :man_facepalming:

It is a nerf cause they didnt made it mass res on 30 seconds cooldown. If it was that powerful she has to be picked now too.

It is not a nerf… It is literally a buff. Someone already explains it and I’ve linked this already. Read it this time. Having Resurrect on a 30 second cooldown means you are going to have it more often. Buff already. It also means Mercy now has the best mid-fight utility amongst the supports. Another buff. I can go on forever.

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