Most people don’t bother clicking links and arrows.
Never mind that this statement is a plain lie during triple tank as well as dive, this statement here:
is pure stupidity
What you are saying is “Heroes with low skill floor should not be able to outperform those with high skill floor”
Idiotic. The skill floor does not affect the skill ceiling of a hero.
76 has a low skill floor. You wanna see if you can do the same things Dafran does?
Rein has a low skill floor. Does that somehow explain why Reinhardt is so popular in higher ranks? Or do you think Reinhardt is in a horrible spot and should be outperformed by Wrecking ball?
The comparison isn’t even right because different heroes have different purposes. If you think Mercy, a mobile mid-line healer with damage boost, should be outperformed by Ana, a slow long-range healer with anti nade, then I guess you think Oranges are better than Apples because they are orange and apples are red?
So… that is supposed to be everything she should be good for? Being a pocket healer for a single target?
You shouldn’t take your obvious Bias against Mercy and try to use it as an argument
Esspecially when you’re getting your fact THIS wrong because of it.
Sorry. I drank it all.
I don’t really think it’s fair to call “heal only one person out of the entire 28+ roster” a good niche. Hell, that’s hardly a hero at all, might as well just delete her and give Pharah a self-regen at that point.
I think that the idea that Mercy should be a tutorial hero for new players and that she should be good in all ranks really can’t be reconciled. If she’s good in high rank and easy enough for anyone to play well, she’ll just dominate pickrate throughout the ladder. Which isn’t really ok.
Ultimately though if it were possible, I’d rather remove the first part of that, not the second. Which might mean that if we adjust Mercy, we need to raise her skill floor.
Soldier 76 and Reinhardt proves you wrong.
Both are probably the easiest introductory hero their respective roles, and both are perfectly fine in both low and high ranks.
Mercy being good a low ranks doesn’t mean she needs to be gutted at higher ranks, and never mind the fact that she isn’t that great at lower ranks after Moira became a thing
This could be solved by just adding complexities and decisions that make more experienced Mercy’s shine above newcomers (sorta like how mass res did coughcough).
Like, Rein is a simple, entrance level hero. Swing the hammer and shield your team. Not mechanically challenging and his kit is relatively simple. Yet he’s not only a great pick for top tier play, but he’s arguably one of the most beloved and balanced tanks, possibly heroes, on the roster.
Why is that? Because a new Rein will just either never use his shield or always use it, and you can get away with either of those in low ranks. But as you climb, you need to learn the more subtle things, how to balance your shield uptime, when to ult and how to follow up, when and where to lead a push, etc. If Mercy were given more complex (and enjoyable) mechanics than “just press E on whoever dies near cover” pretty much all of the birds on the line would be killed with one stone.
Mercy is, whether you like it or not, the ideal main healer. She doesn’t really have a lot of heroes and team comps where her design doesn’t fit, unlike Ana and Moira.
But you yourself do nothing but make shallow generalizations.
She used to at least be fun back then so people were able to bear with it.
people cannot however stomach 2.0 which has lessened her skill ceiling and has a needlessly boring ult that automates her gameplay and makes it grossly safe (for yourself not your teammates whom will surely die because your now 50 hps will not keep them alive through simple focus fire like other support ultimates)
that’s what the fuss is about shes f tier again but isn’t even fun this time around.
First off, yes, you should be able to rank GM with 0 mechanical skill. That’s how Winston and Reinhardt are essentially working. If you wanna tell me Winston at least needs minor aiming in turning generally towards the direction of the enemy, I can tell you Mercy needs mechanical skill in aiming generally in the direction of her targeted ally.
Abysswalker, Positioning skills. Positioning skills, abysswalker. You two get to know each other a bit.
If you wanna complain about mechanical skill, why don’t you go whine about Brigitte, Reinhardt, Winston, and almost Lucio considering his most valuable assets do not require aiming?
Couldn’t have said it any better.
In your opinion, is it normal to use mercy only if there is pharah? Are we joking?
Do you honestly think that what people don’t understand about the Mercy nerf is that Ana mains are happy about it?
After going through a year of Ana being in a terrible place balance wise Is your honest conclusion that nerfing a character to the ground is a good design decision?
Is it really your opinion that any hero (and in this case - the most popular hero in the game by far) shouldn’t be viable at all in higher ranks? Do you really not think that a better balance goal would be to have all healer be viable? Is it really your opinion that mechanical skill alone should determine which heroes are viable at higher ranks? If so: Moira, Lucio, and Brigitte aren’t exactly super high mechanical skill characters.
You like Ana. That’s understandable. Many people do. But many people don’t enjoy playing her. For many people, Mercy is the healer they enjoy the most. Blizzard absolutely should strive for her to be a viable pick at all ranks.
The real issue here is mercy was a must pick for a year and blizzard didnt fix the real issue to begin with. Here we are a year later now that mercy is pushing trash tier status everyone feels it’s justice served.
MErcy mains are not the villains. That damn e ability WAS the issue the whole time.