People have been going crazy about Mercy being underpowered lately and I really don’t get it.
As an Ana player I have watched my favourite hero being shred to pieces and become literally unplayable for over a year. Then Mercy gets in a similar position for a while and everyone goes nuts.
Since the release of the game Mercy has been a must-pick in most ranks (especially low) to the point where you rarely see any other supports in competitive. If I have to choose between seeing Mercy in every game and in 0 games, I choose the later. Let other support mains have their fun.
What you have to understand is Mercy SHOULD be weaker than other supports. If I spent 100 hours on ana trying to learn how to constantly contribute to the team by healing, sleeping, antinading and hitting key targets, all of this while sweating to keep my accuracy up and survive with only my positioning and sleep dart accuracy as a defense, I find it offensive that a pidgeon with a staff that literally holds 1 click can contribute the same or more.
As for mercy mains… If your rank is Plat and lower, you will see that mercy is still one of the best options, and in lower ranks she is still a MUST-pick. Now if you are a Mercy main on diamond and above you should be able to play something better. If not, you don’t deserve the rank. Lets not forget how Mercy 1-tricks could rank to GM by just holding 1 button and having basic game sense.
I think mercy is finally where she should be.