What people don't understand about the Mercy Nerf

People have been going crazy about Mercy being underpowered lately and I really don’t get it.

As an Ana player I have watched my favourite hero being shred to pieces and become literally unplayable for over a year. Then Mercy gets in a similar position for a while and everyone goes nuts.

Since the release of the game Mercy has been a must-pick in most ranks (especially low) to the point where you rarely see any other supports in competitive. If I have to choose between seeing Mercy in every game and in 0 games, I choose the later. Let other support mains have their fun.

What you have to understand is Mercy SHOULD be weaker than other supports. If I spent 100 hours on ana trying to learn how to constantly contribute to the team by healing, sleeping, antinading and hitting key targets, all of this while sweating to keep my accuracy up and survive with only my positioning and sleep dart accuracy as a defense, I find it offensive that a pidgeon with a staff that literally holds 1 click can contribute the same or more.

As for mercy mains… If your rank is Plat and lower, you will see that mercy is still one of the best options, and in lower ranks she is still a MUST-pick. Now if you are a Mercy main on diamond and above you should be able to play something better. If not, you don’t deserve the rank. Lets not forget how Mercy 1-tricks could rank to GM by just holding 1 button and having basic game sense.

I think mercy is finally where she should be.


No, she shouldn’t. She should fulfill a certain niche, just like all other characters in this game, and she fills hers in a mediocre way right now.


I mean, in gold and plat ana is picked more than moira and moira is picked more than mercy. In silver and bronze moira is picked more than mercy. So not really.


Flashback to when Mercy was a troll-pick and the moment after ana was nerfed and the meta was lucio zen before Mercy was buffed


She fullfills a certain role extremely well. Pharmercy. Even in higher ranks, when the map favors pharah, mercy shines. I don’t know what your rank is but in plat and below is still considered the most overpowered combo in the game. And while doing my placements on plat, 9/10 matches I had was against Pharmercy. And she is better in low ranks as she should be since she requires almost no skill and the higher you go the less mercy you should see.

Well sh*t… I’ve been roasted.



So, Ana is not just healing ya brick. Ana is cc, damage and healing!

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Lucky for you, ya don’t need to make that choice!


So, you say where Mercy is now is similar to when Ana got “shred to pieces” then you go on to say

There’s your problem. No hero should be shred to pieces and be balanced. That is not how you fix problems.


Bad post, with bad opinions. Just say you hate mercy and get it over with. Her needing a specific hero to “make her shine”, which she doesn’t Zen would be better, is just ridiculous.


Honestly man, if you think you should be able to rank to GM by having 0 mechanical skills then I have nothing else to tell you. Also check on overbuff before claiming mercy is not getting picked.

The least you can do is some fact checking before pressing the reply button. The only time mercy wasn’t at the top was the last few days when ana finally got back in the game.

I understand it can be frustrating not being able to stay at GM by holding 1 button and shouting protect me but you have to deal with it for a while.

Don’t worry. As this post proves, mercy mains are the loudest and most persistant people on forums. Makes sense since you are taking away their only toy. But since Blizzard can’t keep deleting your posts forever she will get buffed soon and you will be able to 1 trick your way to GM again.

As an Ana player I have watched my favourite hero being shred to pieces and become literally unplayable for over a year. Then Mercy gets in a similar position for a while and everyone goes nuts. [/quote]

Mercy was F-tier until the invulnerability buff (March 2017), nine months after the game released.

And she was considered a garbage pick for high ranks except for the mass rez until her rework in September 2017.

So for 13 months Mercy was generally considered a garbage tier hero.

Ana, on the other side, was top tier as soon as she got released and formed a meta all around her, just to get nerfed shortly after Mercy’s invulnerability buff.

Even despite her weak state, Ana kept being played at GM level by great streamers like Gale Adelade, who succeeded with her.

Current Mercy can’t and isn’t being played at GM level by ANY of her flagship streamers like EeveaA, Vale, Little Menace or Animetic (Animetic is trying to play Mercy as much as possible, but she fell to Masters).

THAT is NOT being “where it should be” by any measure.

Mercy was only must-pick after her rework (which Mercy mains warned was the wrong one) and took eleven sledgehammer nerfs to the face.

Ana, on the other hand, is now an absolute must pick at the higher ranks, and you have little chance of winning without her.

Ana mains - most of which started to main her when she was Queen of supports - never accepted that she was no longer the must pick choice and always projected their frustration onto Mercy.

Mercy players, who on the other hand had happily played her hero even when she was F-tier and always complained she was too powerful after the rework (just see all the sad Mercy main threads in the other forums after September 2017) and just want a fun hero to play, get all the blame for the errors of the developers and are now left with a shell of a hero that cannot hold herself at the higher tiers of play and is ALSO outclassed at the LOWER ranks.

As for Ana players, they are back in charge and - unlike Mercy players who argue against Mercy strength since the rework - have no intention of letting their main NOT be the absolute must pick without a fight (because “MUH AIM”).

So now we have the Ana meta, where Moira is useless (Ana does everything better), the best comps are 3+ tanks (because Ana enables tank comps) and DPS now have little room to be played. Mercy players, Moira players and DPS players get the shaft.



Where did I ever say this? And there is no hero that requires 0 mechanical skills.

Hero Statistics - Overbuff - Overwatch 2 Statistics Have fun face palming then. I’d recommend going into hiding after that one. yikes

Why thanks man!


ITT: OP doesn’t know what he is talking about.


Brah what are you smoking? Why did you send me a link that proves my point? Check support hero pickrates at all ranks on the last 6 months. Mercy has more than double from ana and way more than any other hero. only time mercy wasn’t on the top is the last few days (check last month) where ana got buffed.

I hate this mentality. Zen has been meta since season 3 iirc, why not ask for him to be nerfed?



What are you smoking?

We aren’t talking about past pickrates dude. We are talking about you claiming that Mercy is still a very strong pick in low ranks, which surprisingly she isn’t!

Mercy HAD… HAD

And when Ana was released and Mercy wasn’t buffed m9.

OP: brain.exe has gone missing


Being viable is not being meta. Zen is the perfect example of a balanced hero. He does 1 thing and he does it well. He is not considered a troll pick or a must pick. Why would blizzard even consider touching him?

Mercy was quite literally a troll pick in most ranks above diamon until she was reworked in Season 6. Mercy players had 6 seasons of being yelled at to play another, better hero like Ana Zen or Lucio. So yes, we understand how Ana players felt for the year that was Mercy Meta.

No?? All Supports should be balanced. Why have one if they are going to be intentionally made weaker than every other support? Especially if that hero is the most popular hero in the entire game? It’s bad for balance and it’s bad for buisness. Jeff and Geoff have both said how they want Mercy to remain viable and a good pick because they know how popular she is and how many people play her.

Should she be OP/better than the other supports? No, of course not. But should she be just as equally viable? Yes.

I find it offensive than an Ana main who spams left click into the giant hitboxes of her tanks is all high and mighty. Ana is my third most played hero, she has a high skill ceiling but she really isn’t that hard…nade is probably the strongest abilities in the game and it just requires simple game sense to use.

No thanks, I think I’ll keep my 4400 sr playing Mercy, but thanks for the advice. And yes, I do deserve my rank. I’ve held it for over a year on multiple accounts. Just because I don’t play Widow doesn’t mean I don’t deserve GM. :man_shrugging:


So… Lets take this a different way since it’s too hard for you to understand. If an extremely hard hero I spent hours learning has been meta for around 3 months and a hero that my 8 y old sister plays and ranks to plat has been meta for over 20 months, you can understand why people find it annoying that you complain about it.